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This field is optional. You can choose any name you want, or you can post anonymously by leaving this field empty.

Tripcodes are a way to identify yourself between posts without having to register with the site. To use a tripcode, enter your name as ‹name›#‹key›.You can choose anything you want as the key—it is private and will never be shown to other posters or stored on the server. For example:

Rarity#bestpony → Rarity!.4PK7yxdII

If you want a tripcode containing specific words, you can download a program designed to search for tripcodes, such as Tripcode Explorer.


Entering an e-mail is optional.

There are also code words you can enter here which perform certain actions when you submit your post.

  • sage — lets you post without bumping a thread.
  • nonoko — uses the original post behavior to redirect to the board index.

These can be used at the same time as an e-mail address by typing ‹email›#‹action›.

You can also use Skype names in place of an e-mail. The notation is the same as a link to a username on skype itself, which is skype:‹username›

Giving emphasis
[b] Bold [/b] Ctrl + B
[i] Italic [/i] Ctrl + I
[u] Underlined [/u] Ctrl + U
[s] Strikethrough [/s] Ctrl + R
Hiding text
[?] Spoiler text [/?] Ctrl + S
[h] Hide block of text [/h] Ctrl + H
[rcv] Royal Canterlot voice [/rcv] Ctrl + K
[shy] Fluttershy voice [/shy]
[cs] Comic Sans [/cs]
[tt] Monospaced [/tt]
[d20], [4d6] — Dice rolls
URLs and linking
Link to a post on the current board
Link to another board
Link to a post on another board
Hypertext links
[url=https://www.ponychan.net/] Ponychan [/url]

This field is for editing and deletions.

File: 1707106578455.jpg (458.39 KB, 1680x1050, SCREENSHOT.JPG)

mpv-scripts Country code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 98609

Hi, I've written & released some mpv-scripts for YouTube, mp4, mp3, jpeg etc. They work with SMPlayer & mpv.
You can extract them all from the latest release mpv-scripts.zip & then enter --script=directory in SMPlayer preferences.

aspeed.lua lets you randomize mono recordings so they are surround sound (can connect up many little stereos, like a robo-choir). It stays in sync for 10 hours! autocomplex.lua has animated spectrum overlay. automask.lua merges animated mask on top of video, with any filterchain. autocrop.lua crops off black bars. Check it out!

Unfortunately my passport's about to expire so the next update will take ages. The main update it needs is autocrop has to have a track list with start & end times (so it crops both time & space). autocomplex needs alpha (transparency) detection. automask needs smooth (faded) toggle. aspeed needs better triggering & reliability. It just takes ages to get the codes exactly right! I've fixed many technical warnings.

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