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/Reading General/ bearCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 98082

Last one was lost, so here’s a new.
Post all your current, past or future books you have read. Post your critique, thoughts or overall review of said books!

bear 98083

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The 100 Years’ War on Palestine
A hot book this year for obvious reasons. Was originally going to buy it myself but as you know, it was sold out. Luckily, got it as a Christmas present. Read it all and it was pretty informative though a few areas felt very shallow. Like there was some things it could have gone more over. The biggest being the Intifadas. But nevertheless, came out of it with a better understanding of the past context and with a deep and loathing hatred for certain characters and of course of the entity known as the State of Israel. I think about Finklesteins words when thinking it over. “All the lies and deceit”. Also side note, after reading this and then reading about Biden’s record on Israel, what can only described as Harvey Oswald thoughts” crossed my mind but luckily for Biden, it was the CIA who did it, so he’s safe :)

bear 98084

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Spring Snow
A book I’ve been reading off and on for the better part of I think a year, might’ve been 2 but I think it’s only been a year. Bought it after learning about the author Mishima. Very weird guy, big right winger, wanted to do a military coup, but no one cared, and he killed himself. He was a right wing nut job but man can right. This book was a rollercoaster of emotions. You hate the main character and then you hate him more and then pity and hate him even more. You read and it does something interesting, read some more and it gets even more interesting. When I decided to pick it up again, since I thought it was high time to finally finish, I didn’t think it could have any tricks up it’s sleeve. Boy was I wrong. My biggest fault of the book was the side story involving two Siamese princes. I did not care for their story. I merely cared for the story of the boy and his love. And was glad when that side plot ended. Will say, prose (if I am using it correctly) are pretty good. Sometimes too good, describing scenery that I did not want to get through. Like I get the point, get on with it. But the language that was used was sometimes just brilliant, and was too good. Remember one line of two character having sex and describing putting in the cock as a thrust of a saber, something to that affect. What a use of words. Good book. If you want a roller coaster love story, would recommend

Anonymous Comrade  98089

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I'm currently reading On the Road by Jack Kerouac, a major inspiration for the Beat generation in America, and the basis of most road trip plots, novel or film since its original publication, to give you an idea of its influence.

Before this I read Motorcycle Diaries, by Che Guevara, also a road trip book based on real live events, though I felt like I enjoyed Motorcycle Diaries a bit more.

Anonymous Comrade  98233

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Got a copy of this and I pllan to read all of it soon
Out of all of it, what should I read first?
“Analysis of the classes in chinese society”
“Report on an investigation of the peasant movement in hunan”
“Be concerned with the wellbeing of the masses, pay attention to methods of work”
“On guerilla warfare”
“On practice”
“On contradiction”
“Combat liberalism”
“On protracted war”
This post was edited by its author on .

Chewy!RevGiOKgRo 98298

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Anonymous Comrade  98742

Maybe On Contradiction, On Practice and Combat Liberalism in that order. I did something like that and felt like it gave a good base to understand the rest of his work.

Anonymous Comrade 99007

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Currently reading this book, it compiles the essays I mentioned below together , it also gives background about the young Ulyanov and his family.
“What is to be done?”
“The highest stage of capitalism.”

Anonymous Comrade 99069

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>Chapter 32. “Which game has stopped working”
>misses the short-squeeze entirely
The only thing he got right is that it was supposedly a rebellion of students and the working class against the establishment; he claims people just bought in shares to drive the price up for no apparent reason , and by doing so to rebel against the ultra rich.

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