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Anonymous ComradeCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 99308

What are we to do with the ever-increasing agespan of adolescence?
This is a serious problem in the first and second world.

Anonymous Comrade 99323

>living to work or working to live
>What is the meaning of life?

Americans live to work, while Europeans work to live; usually it is like that.

Americans take their work more seriously than Europeans. Europeans usually go to school at 18 to try and improve their future standards of life , then after that phase, they live whatever left of their lives and meet wo/men they want to share their lives with through social interactions; this pattern is not the same in people with social anxiety or in people who are socially awkward.
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Anonymous Comrade 99331

Americans go to school at 18 as well.
In fact, I would say the job market is fucked because of the reckless overpromotion of higher education.

Education is the new religion. Because of that, people live to work.
People think college is a walk in the park compared to work because of pop culture industry churning out frat boy movies.

In fact, higher education was never meant for everyone. It was only for the best and brightest. But, it turned into a profiteering industry because of social justice reforms seducing disgruntled ethnics looking at the white suburbanite minority.

People think teens and twenties are supposed to be your throwaway years, that failure and mediocrity are necessary part of youth.
Any worldly success or perfection is seen as "exploitation."
This is whats feeding the epidemic of arrested development.
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Anonymous Comrade 99355

I don't know if ethnic minorities maintain the higher education industry, it's usually minorities that end up taking the jobs white people don't want, like immigrants.

Anonymous Comrade 99357

for americans:

boomers = old people
normal people = people
zoomers = young people

Anonymous Comrade 99359

>b-but how would i specify the specific generation

just say people who lived in the 80s, are you retarded ?

Anonymous Comrade 99367

thats kinda what I m saying.

Alot of ethnic minorities are suckered in by the lies of college counselors promising a better future for their kids.

Alot of ethnic kids end uo with worse childhoods because of pressure put on them by thwir oarents to succeed and prove the white man wrong.
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Anonymous Comrade 99368

I would say 80s-born.

I rememeber back in the late 2000s-mid-2010s when the term for young people was "millennial".
Now, millennials are reclaiming the term "boomer" because they think thirty is the start of old age.

Anonymous Comrade 99431

> In fact, higher education was never meant for everyone. It was only for the best and brightest.
Would you say the ideal society is the type of society Plato depicted in Republic? Some people are producers, some are soldiers, and others are fit for ruling regardless of their heritage; this type of society might make more sense than the one Thomas More described in Utopia.

Anonymous Comrade 99438


Unfortunately, people will decry this as oppression.
Everyone thinks of themselves as too good for general labor.

People dont wanna do trades anymore because risk of bodily injury and mess.

But everyone wants the suburban minimansions.

They want the state of the art sports cars.
They want the finest outfits.

All these material things are brought about by tradesmen.

College enrollment is a for-profit industry that plays on plebian's ambitions.

Ans what happens? People end up having to do measly unskilled labor which ends up in bodily injury and mess anyway. But this time, they get paid only a dozen dollars an hour instead of a few dozen.
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Anonymous Comrade 100742

Generation X and Millennials have normalised mediocrity in youth.
They even say worldly exposure/attributes in youth are elitist.

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