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Anonymous ComradeCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 99231

>Imageboards are the superior form of social media.
>It has alot of free thinkers and avant garde content.

Oh really? Does it?
One thing is for sure: imagebords never fail to deliver absurdity.

Anonymous Comrade  99235

I think there is an undeserved obsession that imageboardgoers have in regards to the us vs them culture, in particular the screeching about normies. There are a lot more weirdos who don't post on 4chan than those who do. A great proportion of channers mostly conform to society, and most supposed normies have some quirks too. Finally, there are some pddities of personality that simply become more publicly acceptable, but are no less weird, merely the culturally dominant weirdness.

Zeke Roa  99237

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I've noticed this as well. It's ironic that 4chins and co preach about how their anonymity and non-rated threads makes them superior to Reddit and similar settings (not including the fact that forums existed and still exist), but their obsession with Anonymous have made them into extremely insular echo chambers

Anonymous Comrade 99238

99 % of forums are dead, or it is a mod drarmma (replace mod for celebrity)

Anonymous Comrade 99239

also forums were great ('or just better') when they were effectively anonymous (just like most internet)

where nobody cared about drupm except few psychos

you had name but if you changed it to random nothing changed for most ppl, so you was semi-anonimous or something

today you're basically posting on .gov site by default
and everyone cares about your identity
and all your data, while back then really only some autists did, if at all
people even shared their phone numbers and street address in earlier internet (so called landline)

Anonymous Comrade 99241

The Internet was originally a government program.
It was civilianised by 1983, when the first wave of personal computers was at its end.

Anonymous Comrade 99243

most "weirdos" on 4chan are just social outcasts whom have the same aesthetic compass as their "normie" counterparts.

Its just mostly people from fourteen to forty whom have no purpose for their prime years.

And they lack self awareness. They whine about people being obsessed with looks but they simp over ethots
They whine about boomers being joykills but they whine about their juniors having their own recreational trends.

Theyre not stuck in a bubble. Theyre stuck in vacuum seal suit.

The sheer contempt and toxicity is amazing.

I have more engaging conversation on Reddit.

Leftypol claims to be open minded and emoatgetic yet they ban people for "le wrong think".
Not unlike 4chan.

Anonymous Comrade 99247

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Anonymous Comrade 99248

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Anonymous Comrade 99249

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Anonymous Comrade 99252

Counterargument: not all feminism is sex negative or anti porn.

Anonymous Comrade 99254

Postmodern feminism is misandrist in sex and porn.
Its not inherently sex/porn negative.

But thats not the point.

The point is, the OP on LeftyChan /R9K/ is being retarded about post-millennial female sexuality.

Here is the OP: https://leftychan.net/R9K/res/240.html#240
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Anonymous Comrade 99255

I really don't feel like reading the whole thing, I just assumed since it mentioned bimbos and feminism it was the recycled argument of how female sexuality is somehow inherently antifeminist.

If a postmodern feminist is also sex positive and okay with porn do you think they are still inherently misandrist in their ideology?

Anonymous Comrade 99256

Any political view on sexuality, especially youth sexuality, especially CISHET MALE YOUTH SEXUALITY, is bound to be shit.

I wish all the money thats wasted on political seminars couldve been used to make sex bots.

Problem solved.
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Anonymous Comrade 99258

But why is it misandrist or ideologically flawed?

Slightly Mentally Impaired  99260

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Anonymous Comrade 99262

Postmodern feminism always blames men for all female persona inconveniences.

Women suffer from low self-esteem?

"Its because of men."

Women arent orgasming enough?

"Its because of men."

Meanwhile, men whom suffer from low self-esteem or are aesthetically challenged are mocked and pathologised.

Of course, its not just postmodern feminism.
Redpillism also puts far too much moral burden on men.

Anonymous Comrade 99264

If you've met or seen a lot of of postmodern feminist thought that blames men for everything I can understand thinking this way, I don't think it has to be inherently that way, though, and I don't think it's the equally bad opposite to the redpill or misogynist thought, I think it makes sense that feminist thought would reach different conclusions about how women's problems are linked to the privilege men have in patriarchy. Lots of other schools of thought regarding religion and race and other social categories also focus a lot on the privilege that the majority Christian or white hegemony has on minorities, and a lot of it can definitely lean in a way that seems black and white, but it's still important because that hegemony does exist and privilege those groups over others, just not in every single way, though I do think a lot of things are linked to each other in subtle ways, without it being a direct indictment against straight, Christian white men, just theorizing how privilege works.

Anonymous Comrade 99268

Actually youre right. Vast majority of politics in the modern world (1600 - present) is oriented around White Protestantism.

Alot of our social constructs are based around the perceptions of white Angloid Protestant folks.

White Christians whine about how theyre endlessly persecuted for their religion but they ignore/downplay the oppression of other ethno-religious groups.

Anonymous Comrade  99283

Its a symptom of the format, when it reaches a certain scale. /GET/ benefits from being smol.

Anonymous Comrade 99286

Heh, yeah, you would know about benefits from smol things.

Anonymous Comrade 99295

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i just like these posts

you wont' find them on reddit

Anonymous Comrade 99296

shota penis is very cute

Anonymous Comrade 99307

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Anonymous Comrade 99309

I used to browse 8chan before it was shut down for a while for some shooter's manifesto and I saw this when it was posted on /doomer/ at the time, I remember it got quite a lot of people talking about it, I posted on there for a while, also posted on /leftypol/

At the time I thought it was a pretty absurd thing to say, because I didn't think of myself that way, and I still think describing all introverts this way is also wrong, however as I've grown older and reflected more on my psyche I think I fit the description of a narcissist very well, it's just that I'm more of a covert narcissist, which is basically a more self aware but still extremely fragile and validation seeking person, you can look up the term but this screenshot is an almost perfect description of shy narcissists, the only problem is the OP thinking you can use this to describe all shy and introverted people. Most introverts are genuinely insecure people or they have self esteem issues or they simply don't like attention and get "drained" as they say of social interaction more than the average person, they aren't all narcissists, but I am. Or maybe I did start as a normal introvert and I've slowly become a narcissist, or I've always been one, I don't know.

Anonymous Comrade 99312

I think hes not wrong about covert narcissism via introversion but the way hes lashing out it could easily describe alot of imageboard users.

Also I think "narcissism" is an overused term to throw around for virtually any unsavory trait.

I also am a bit iffy about people saying "but as I got older" describing any emotional self-discovery because age numbers are an overused moral compass and often times peopls are too quick to pathologise anything from youth.

Anonymous Comrade 99313

Also, youre a fellow doomer lurker?

Are you one of those people whom whine about Gen Z?
That board is liyerally 95 percent whining about missing out on stereotypical teenage adventurism and taking it out on Gen Z

Anonymous Comrade 99317

It took me a while to come to think of myself as narcissistic more than as anything else, for the longest time I had a more tragic view of myself, now I feel like I definitely shift blame to others and everything I can almost instinctively, and I have strange feelings of envy and shame when I don't get validation or someone else is getting too much attention.

I know what you mean about people seeing turning 18 or being categorized as an adult as an immediate change and not just as a slow process towards simply getting older, I just can't see my behaviour (this is fairly recent, and I didn't just turn 18, I'm in my early 20s) throughout my life as anything but that of a very fragile person to whom resentment comes about easily and who finds it hard to truly reflect on their mistakes and not shift blame.
I stopped posting when the board died for a while, when it came back as 8kun I didn't really use it anymore, I mostly enjoyed talking with a guy from Romania, Hungary or some European country I don't remember and venting about things I couldn't anywhere else. I'm gen Z and I never really got into generational bashing, old or young (or self bashing), I do remember lots of posts about Gen Z but there was also this weird guy that was obsessed with millennials and would post on every thread (and make his own threads) about how much he hated millennials and how they were a failed generation, while either equally shitting on boomers or sometimes even comparing them positively to millennials, and surprisingly defending Gen Z. Pretty weird place, but I did say some pretty personal stuff at the time, 2019-2020 or so.

Anonymous Comrade 99332

The whole doomer board is just reeking of premature midlife crisis tbh. Most of the nihilistic worldviews all center around "missing out" on stereotypical adolescent misadventures.

Anonymous Comrade  99333

imageboards are epic

Anonymous Comrade 99358

you wouldn't get trips if it wasn't true

Anonymous Comrade 99362

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Anonymous Comrade 99363

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Anonymous Comrade 99364

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Anonymous Comrade 99365

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Anonymous Comrade 99366

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Anonymous Comrade 99370

Is this one implying he would want a fusion of Blair White and Boebert?

Zeke Roa  99386

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Is it really necessary to spread the stink of /r9k/ here?

Anonymous Comrade 99388

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All I have to say on this is that Leftychan does a good job of actually making Leftypol look good in comparison.

Slightly Mentally Impaired ## Mod  99396

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I dunno who the fuck you dumb fucks are. You come on here to discuss serious politics as a way to hide your dumbass attempt at infiltration or whatever? Well you're dumber than you look. You didn't even join the GETchan discord server so you all stood out like a sore thumb the moment you lot started posting. We might seem small but we have close to 100 people on the discord server who spend most of their time chatting there, you fell for the fucking land war in Asia, trying to go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line, you didn't fucking sign up for the GETchan server notifications and instead posted in our honeypot outdated site.

You ever wondered where the fuck all the posts went? We fucking deleted them, and we're gonna delete yours too, AFTER you make fools of yourselves. Dumbasses.

Anonymous Comrade 99426

Well, Leftychan''s R9K is no maych for the toxicity of LeftyPol's siberia

Anonymous Comrade 99432

>censorship through rating of posts
>tyranny of the majority
One can argue that Reddit is an echo chamber too.

Anonymous Comrade 99437

Its not like imageboards dont ban people for wrongthink.

Its not as if though people dont cuss you out for posting anime.

Its not as if though imageboard users talk about bathing the world in blood for being rejected by the cool kids.

Its not as if though imageboards talk about anything else but getting laid and racial castes.

Anonymous Comrade 99455

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>Its not like imageboards dont ban people for wrongthink.
No, Redditors just ban you for "promoting Russian disinformation" with their ban bots.
>Its not as if though people dont cuss you out for posting anime.
They just "joke" about all anime fans being Nazis.
>Its not as if though imageboard users talk about bathing the world in blood for being rejected by the cool kids.
No, Redditors just talk about bathing the world in blood in the name of Democracy and the Rules-based International Order instead.
>Its not as if though imageboards talk about anything else but getting laid and racial castes.
Redditors talk about how awesome NATO and Israel are and fantasize about being sexpats in a balkanized Russia or China

literallyryuugurena 99468

fucking hate this neolib shit

Anonymous Comrade 99537

This isn't even the worst. There's entire subreddits where the users goon over images/videos of dead Russians. They make Leninhat look chill. Redditors all simp for the CIA and DoD. I'm 100% convinced that if Reddit were around back in the 1960s, they would all support the napalm terror-bombings in Vietnam and the rest of Indochina and would have celebrated the Kent State Massacre.

Anonymous Comrade 99545

Leninhat is a NATO sy.pathiser?

And where on Reddit is the pro-NATO a majority?

Anonymous Comrade 99598

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literallyryuugurena 99684

Unfortunately I already know
btw I dont think its a Reddit thing, like im not a redditor and when I visit Reddit I see it's kinda chill and heterogeneous, meanwhile other platforms like Twitter and Telegram are filled by nazi/libtard scum

Anonymous Comrade 99816

>Leninhat is a NATO sy.pathiser?
No, the opposite. He's a notorious Leftypol user that acts like an unhinged stereotypical "tankie".
>And where on Reddit is the pro-NATO a majority?
Pretty much everywhere that's mainstream, particularly political subreddits.
>btw I dont think its a Reddit thing
Agreed, all social media glows to varying extents. That's why I stay away from it.
>like im not a redditor and when I visit Reddit I see it's kinda chill and heterogeneous
I guess they're chill, at least up until Russia or the PRC come up; after that happens, they become unhinged jingoists that only differ from Republicans when it comes to LGBT+ rights. Even on non-political subreddits like Genshin subreddits, any mention of China inevitably becomes "LE SOCIAL CREDIT BING CHILLIN WINNIE THE POOH XD" very quickly. There's a few subreddits that push against this but they'll all end up like ChapoTrapHouse or GenZedong if they get too big.

Anonymous Comrade 99819


>No, the opposite. He's a notorious Leftypol user that acts like an unhinged stereotypical "tankie".

Im aware of Leninhat. He talks about killing off children of bourgeoise.
Also, whats a "tankie"? I hear about tankies as an insult but what are they exactly?

>Pretty much everywhere that's mainstream, particularly political subreddits.

Explain. People are hypercritical of NATO amd Israel. Especially Israel.

>I guess they're chill, at least up until Russia or the PRC come up; after that happens, they become unhinged jingoists that only differ from Republicans when it comes to LGBT+ rights. Even on non-political subreddits like Genshin subreddits, any mention of China inevitably becomes "LE SOCIAL CREDIT BING CHILLIN WINNIE THE POOH XD" very quickly. There's a few subreddits that push against this but they'll all end up like ChapoTrapHouse or GenZedong if they get too big.

Everyone refers to China as an Orwellian police-state. The Xi Ji Pung Winnie The Pooh stuff is just memes.
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Anonymous Comrade  99956

this map makes me laugh btw
>le wholesome Taiwan literally occupying Indochina because muh socialist countries (so called "nato anti-imperialists" when)
>Ukraine just becoming actual Russia like things could improve and not repeat
>le wholesome Mongolia (a state occupied by a putinist pro-russian lobbies party) occupying whole Manchuria, ignoring that manchu are more close to koreans while between manchu and mongolians there were always... genocides. Also why the hell Gansu and Qinghai? Hui people are different

liberals have F in geography tests as always

Anonymous Comrade 99976

the fact that you're still asking questions like this in the current year is why I am starting to question now, in current year, if I am even the same species as most of the people who use imageboards and forums
you all reject me talking about autists and normies but i'm an actual autist who does almost nothing but read
i come out of my corner whenever i hear people talking about what i read about and they get mad that i actually know what it is
you're not autistic, you're not even based. you're just cringe.

Anonymous Comrade 100738

shota penis is the best when its big but not gigantic

Anonymous Comrade 100845

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Anonymous Comrade 100846

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