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File: 1706749775652.png (606.06 KB, 862x485, GoogleNakba2.png)

Anonymous ComradeCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 98538

Reestablishing this thread after it got wiped by the spammer. Discuss the Palestinian uprising against Israel.

Anonymous Comrade 98540

my dream is to be the president of the US and tell Netanyahu and other israeli cabinet members to meet up at some israeli desert and drop a nuke within their vicinity, not too close that they die but close enough that they become permanently traumatized by the event

bear 98547

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After ICJ ruled against Israel (they are plausibly committing Genocide), Israel decides to do multiple thing.

Say 12 employees of UNRWA were in the Oct 7 attack, leading to the western countries to defund them, turns out it’s actually less and also it’s FUCKING A MINISCULE AMOUNT!

Then, there was a conference about the resettlement of Gaza, where 12 ministers (same number as alleged from UNRWA) or roughly 32% of the ministers in Israel were in attendance.

And finally, recently protestors have been blocking a port that delivers Humanitarian Aid to Gaza. They could obviously be stopped if Israel wanted to, but they won’t. The “moderates” in the cabinet also have discussed limiting aid again as a strategy. Also Israel has released an 82 year old woman, who they held for two months as a unlawful combatant. Really, an 82 year old woman, you’re afraid. Sickening.

My reaction:
When I first heard of the ruling by the court estatic. Yes, it has no teeth and Israel could just ignore. But it was something. But it’s insane how even after getting this devastating ruling, Israel has only ramped up its killing, ramped up its starvation, ramped up its senseless slaughter. And when the West defunded UNRWA, I was furious. Clear retaliation for daring to dirty Israel’s hands. What a lack of morales these countries and leaders have. In a good world, they would all be on trial, and found guilty.
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Anonymous Comrade 98558

>Genocide in occupied Palestine isn’t a mere mistake to correct; it’s an enduring Israeli policy, bolstered by its allies. The time has come to stand for justice.
>The following statements from Palestinian resistance groups were posted on Resistance News Network on Jan. 26, 2024, in response to the preliminary decision issued by the International Court of Justice in response to the South African government’s 84-page document accusing the apartheid state of Israel with genocide against the people of Gaza.
Fun fact: The ICJ ruled against the US in the 1980s for mining Nicaragua's ports; they still owe money to Nicaragua to this day.

Anonymous Comrade  98588


Anonymous Comrade 98706

They promoted Uganda's representative (the only one to side with Israel beside Israel themselves) to vice-president of the ICJ. Seriously? Can't they be any less obvious? Are they setting things up to end up dropping the case after the 1 month deadline? Bastards.

Anonymous Comrade 99006

My theory is that the Israeli government for generations prolonged the oppression and limitations on freedom and the terror against civilians on both sides by enabling Israeli terrorists to occupy further the west bank and sabotage the Palestinian’s livelihood and economy.

The IDF hurts Palestinian freedom of movement etc because of Palestinian terrorism; Palestinian terrorism is understandable since humans, like all animals , usually do not thrive in captivity, and under strict authoritarian control that strips one of his rights almost completely and his humanity; although Israel’s attempts of defending itself is also understandable.

This cycle of oppression due to terrorism , and terrorism due to the want of being free that feed itself happens because of the Israeli government’s unwillingness to punish Israeli colonial terrorists; moreover, it enables them to continue their criminal colonial occupation and sabotage of West bank and the Palestinian economy (mostly agrarian). According to the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith agriculture takes a big part of the GDP only in poor countries.

Sabotage of the Palestinian economy and further occupation of West bank keep the Palestinians in poverty and make them more likely to choose terrorism over the dream of peaceful and prosperous life that is seen as unattainable, terrorism that gives the IDF’s oppression legitimacy.

The poorer Palestinians are, the more Palestinian terrorism is prevalent, the quicker the “Zionist dream” of kicking the Palestinians off the land and achieving total control over the entirety of “Greater Israel” is attained.

My hypothesis is that the “Zionist dream” the different Israeli governments for generations were and are motivated by is what makes peace impossible and unattainable.
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Anonymous Comrade 99008

>although Israel’s attempts of defending itself is also understandable.
In what way?

Anonymous Comrade 99012

Any country has the right of defending itself (against terrorism); the funny — or sad— part is that the Israeli government— the State of Israel— is the same entity that feeds and supports, both directly and indirectly, that same terrorism it has right to fight off against. Also, the sense of superiority Judaism followers / Israelis have over the rest of the groups of people worldwide is another reason why Israeli extremists do not respect international law nor other countries.
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Anonymous Comrade 99014

"Defend itself" is still not the phrase I would use, especially not this event, it's as apologetic and validating towards Israel as saying Nazis were just defending themselves from Eastern European partisans or American colonialists from Native American attacks. Though I can tell you didn't mean for it to sound that way.

Anonymous Comrade 99975


bear 100181

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You think they can’t be more depraved, and yet they find a way. But not surprised. “Most moral army”. What a joke of a phrase

Anonymous Comrade 100226

>Most moral army
Who came up with this bs anyway?

The premise of an army is killing, how is killing moral?
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bear 100267

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7 people.
That’s what it took for there to finally be pressure on Israel. That’s what it took for people to be outraged. That’s what it took for our leaders to finally take some action. Keep in mind, it’s because those people were from “western” countries. It’s because they were from a “western” NGO. It’s because it was related to someone with celebrity status. And listen, that guy was a real peice of shit who didn’t care about any of it until it personably affected him. But I’m glad at least he has the decency to state it how it is. That Israel was deliberate in their killing. And now finally, news reports on Israel and the things they have been doing. Recently saw a piece on how they destroyed nearly all the unis in Gaza. And I should feel glad they are finally covering it. But I just feel anger. It took them this long for them to actually give a shit. They aren’t even giving that much, it’s the bare minimum. It just fills me with rage. Especially Biden. Oh how I hate him. He is the most disgusting and depraved person ever. Only thing that makes me happy is that he has to face some reality that his oh so precious “state” of Israel is not perfect. But even still, he’ll send more planes, more bombs, more ammo. So where is there to get happiness from

Anonymous Comrade 100271

Biden and the DNC don't care for Palestine but do care about the fact that Israel's rampage in Gaza is hurting their chances of winning the election.

Anonymous Comrade 100587

Trump and RNC are also pro-Israel
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Anonymous Comrade 100593

Never said they weren't. I don't support either of the duopoly bourgeois parties and will not vote for either candidate.
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Anonymous Comrade 100613


Anonymous Comrade  100624

In regards to protests on U.S. / U.K. Uni campus's for Palestine.

If you browse any U.S. or in general English Language forum dedicated to the discussion of politics, comments sections of news-stories or YouTube videos covering the topic, or any other medium etc - This is the level of discourse you will be greeted with.
>These people have le 'woke mind virus'.
>These people are terrorists, They need to be deported or given life in prison
>DEI / Critical Race Theory / 'This is wokeness manifest' / 'This is Anti-White'
>These are all Arab immigrants and need to be deported.
>"Huh, I wonder if these people would like to hold their protest in Gaza where their sand-niggo pets will rape and eat them!" [They definitely wouldn't be killed by Israel btw]
>Blue hair Blue hair feminist college student lmao lmao woke XD
>"tut, tut, tut, A bunch of young kids with no idea what their protesting or what its all for, tut, tut, tut can't even find that place on a map i bet"
>People at an explicitly political rally, Who share the same political outlook performing unison chants is 'cult behaviour'
>"Look at all these sheeple in their face masks...Doing whatever the NWO tells them"
These people bear mental chains, Which weigh heavier then any actual Iron-Chain used on the slaves of old with mental-brands far more a pitiful and glaring mark of enslavement then any which has ever been pressed onto someone's skin with a branding iron.

Anonymous Comrade 100641

these same people will then complain about Jewish supremacy ruining their native cultures.

Anonymous Comrade 100646

People dont want freedom they want the right to unbridled indignation.

Anonymous Comrade 100655

Apropos “duopoly bourgeois parties” , have you read the Green book by Gaddafi? He literally dedicated a few chapters where he critiques “representative democracy”.

Anonymous Comrade 100675

Leftypol's being more toxic than usual. Fuck all of the fake-ass internet "revolutionaries" shitting on the campus protesters. I'd love to see them go toe-to-toe with riot cops but that would require the cowards to get up from their gamer chair and do something other than shitposting.
I actually did read the Green Book a while ago and liked it. I'm sure I have the PDF somewhere, probably on my external SSD.

Zeke Roa  100688

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>Fuck all of the fake-ass internet "revolutionaries" shitting on the campus protesters.
Where are you seeing this? They seem to be pretty supportive

Anonymous Comrade 100692

Nah theres alot of contempt for student protestors.

Leftypol is just 4chan under a red banner. Nothing but post-pubescent losers whom think themselves "too cool and smart for you." Alot of them are twenty-five to thirty-five whining about being virgins or lonely and they just jack off to e-thots.
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Anonymous Comrade 100693

>Alot of them are twenty-five to thirty-five whining about being virgins or lonely and they just jack off to e-thots.
I feel attacked.

bear 100726

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In response to college kids protesting the killing of children, women and men.

Anonymous Comrade 100743

Isnt that the default mindset of imageboard users?
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Zeke Roa  100747

Not just imageboards but any 2kool4skool community that prides itself on edginess.

Anonymous Comrade 100765

Im starting to think the real case for the death of the Internet is because of edginess

Anonymous Comrade 100777

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How does he keep getting away with it?

Zeke Roa  100792

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Liberals keep treating him (and any group that aligns with him) uncritically simply because he's a liberal.

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