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/leftytrash/ Anonymous ComradeCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 2[View All]

Movies, anime, music, feels e-celebs, internet angry typing, fetishes, shitposting,
450 posts and 161 image replies omitted. Click View to see all.

Anonymous Comrade  100739

I haven't thought about 7chan in a long time.

Anonymous Comrade 100740

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2023 Review
man is still alive. 🙏
same. i found and occasionally checked the /ss/ board way back when i was still 4channing.

Anonymous Comrade  100741

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I remember 7chan.
I guess I've gotta start going there again.

Anonymous Comrade  100744

not fight club, more like ''ahh, you finally arrived at this spot of the internet'' kind of thing.
Lets see what happens next and how that translates to the next games.
>Science is only appreciated by little kids.
you're very wrong. kids are more amazed and starry eyed about it for sure.
t. spent 4h last night talking to an old man about chem.
their art always has nice foreheads and cute design.
i have not posted there in like 10yrs literally

Slightly Mentally Impaired  100745

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Anonymous Comrade  100746

4 land pleez

Anonymous Comrade 100748

Maybe it is my inner contrarian and pessimist in me, but i just do not see how biden is le doomed.

Zeke Roa  100749

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>Those people are a minority.
>Most adults dont give half a fuck about science except as religiopolitical implications and/or conspiracy theories.
>Science is only appreciated by little kids.
I'm sure you've done loads of research into these broadly sweeping claims and didn't just pull them out of your ass, or at the very least got them from someone who did do the research and didn't pull it out of their ass, so could you please show your evidence?
>The industrial aspect of science is burdened with paperwork and sychophantic verbalisation.
What the fuck are you talking about?

I don't say this often since I tend to be terminally online, but Jesus Blueberry Christ please touch grass.
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Anonymous Comrade 100750

File: 1714681225271.webm (2.39 MB, 1280x720, doujins.webm)

>lots of stuff uploaded like japaneseasmr.com
>dlsite based tags (also like japaneseasmr) which is consistent
>access the actual files of the product (the individual main tracks, extras, hi-res images, .txts, subs if included in product) instead of a single uploaded video/audio with all the tracks
>also basically its own media player with features like minimize, autorepeat, captions/subs if available, etc.
>is not friggin blocked where i am

holy fuck.
what is this site.
why am i only discovering it now.

Anonymous Comrade  100752

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Anonymous Comrade  100753

Why would it be blocked?

Anonymous Comrade 100754

Yeah, I'm HAPPY:
Just kidding I'm doing alright

Slightly Mentally Impaired  100755

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Anonymous Comrade 100756

Why dont you go talk to real life adults about physical science and only that and see how long they can go on without it getting even slightly political?

Perhaps kids are more amased by it but its the forst step.
Also its cool that you met someone thats capable of intellectual discourse outside of politics.

Tenshi!!9VNSGr3ZJc 100757

What is cracking my lovely /GET/lings :3

Anonymous Comrade 100758

I find a problem with the cliche racial and sexual double entendres.
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Anonymous Comrade 100759

clap a long if you feel like a room without a roof

Slightly Mentally Impaired  100760

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Slightly Mentally Impaired  100761

Go to sleep it's past your bedtime

Anonymous Comrade  100762

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It's going awesome!

Tenshi!!9VNSGr3ZJc 100763

I don’t have a bedtime

Anonymous Comrade  100764

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I do think it's healthy to set a decent time to go to bed every night though.

Anonymous Comrade  100766

Understandable. It's pretty crude and uninspired, to say the least. I'm not too familiar though, because I can't even get past the terrible and tiresome aesthetic.

Anonymous Comrade 100767

Still at work, dreaming of a better world. Thinking about going back to school in the fall.

Anonymous Comrade  100769

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We can build a better world together!

Anonymous Comrade 100770

Sure! I'd love to build a better world, but I feel like all I can do is fantasize about it.
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Anonymous Comrade  100771

Things are booming actually, outside. Thunderstorm.

Also doing good, planning on seeing the new gosling flick tomorrow.

Anonymous Comrade  100772

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Slightly Mentally Impaired  100773

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Yes you do.

Anonymous Comrade  100774

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Kendall Roy Palestinian Princess 100775

he probably killed himself innit

Anonymous Comrade 100776

Its ironic that kids shows have more diversity in dialogue and graphics.
Even the characters are more unique.
Kids shows teach you more about real life than adult shows.

Anonymous Comrade  100791

Probably because the creators take those shows more seriously. At least sometimes.

bear 100793

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TenTen, how u do?
Yes. Not that I hate intentionally gross or ugly designs. I remember watching Adventures of Flapjack, show with a very bizzare style and enjoying it. But you can tell its not a style aiming for ugly. But bland. Even when they try to that intentionally ugly design, it ends up bland, theres nothing towards it. Doesn't help that besides a few shows, all their writing tends to be the same, trash. I do wish less we get less "adult" animated oriented shows and more young adult shows, which is basically what anime is to this generation. But it doesn't seem there isn't any risk willing to be taken to actually try and make a good show like that
This place is kinda like that :p, though I guess a bit easier to get to, since we have a YouTube channel with the same name

bear 100794

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Which hey, good for X-Men 97. Basically what I want in terms of a show. Show meant for a bit older audience, without basically being Family Guy. I hope Marvel/Disney and other company don't get the wrong idea from it. I can see them focusing soley on the "nostalgia good" aspect rather than having a compelling story. Invincible is also out there and to some extent Castlevania (though saw some clips that did not like). But its only a handful of those shows to family guy clones that were given a season or two and then shelved. I do wonder why studios don't go the anime route of finding manga/light novels and adapting them, but I guess its thats risk factor again.

Anonymous Comrade  100796

Yeah for all the presumed edginess they play everything very safe. I think we nearly could have had a genuine "serious" toons movement if a few creatives had the chance to take the 90s batman series and push it further. The batman beyond movie is very nearly there, just about feels like it was censored for kiddies. Western animation actually aimed at adults, that isn't family guy slop, always flew under the radar and was considered a novel and brave. I mean, there are some shows that go for it now, like Invincible, or this DotA spinoff series, and Castlevania aka God we wish we were Madhouse; Which it doesn't pull off. So I suppose there are more now, but maybe its they way they are trying so hard to be cool and serious that they all just die on the vine while I watch them. Nobody is really impressed that much by gore and saying fuck a lot.

Anonymous Comrade  100797

Right, I heard about xmen 97 being cool.

bear 100798

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>hard to be cool and serious that they all just die on the vine while I watch them. Nobody is really impressed that much by gore and saying fuck a lot.
Yes! There are some of these shows, that try and break out of that mold of the family guy, but fall into another trap which is somewhat of the same trap. Thinking saying fuck, gore and sex don't constitute adult. Sure adult themes can definitely enhance a story if used well. But doesn't automatically make it good, or even adult. Sausage Party, movie clearly made for adults, feels more like a teenager wrote it than an adult. Which is the funny dilemma, when you try and be more adult, but you revert to being more like a kid.

Funny enough, read all of Beserk recently. And again, has a lot of sex, things like rape, some swear words, gore. But it doesn't over do it, there is a purpose for each thing. The "adult themes" are there to serve the narrative, not to distract.
Kinda want to read x-men comic, always interested in them. Just need to find a good starting spot
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Anonymous Comrade 100799

Alot of "adolescent" humor is actually more enjoyed by adults and written by adults than actual teens ironically enough.
Actual teen amde content would be more anime roleplay vids with franchise-canon characters with reader self insert.

Anonymous Comrade 100800

Alot of adult entertainent, even live action relies too much angst and vices to be realistic.

Too much snarky one-liners and "stern" faces.
And then romantic affairs being made into a whole big deal for no reason.

Alot of the facial and bodily reactions feel exaggerated.
And alot of the characters all look the same and sound the same.

Alot of the downtime scenes are just adults arguing with each other over dinner or at home.

Then theres the morose piano music for the scene transitions.

The wost is when kids are present and the adults talk to kids in that cliche cartoonish manner like theyre stupid especially about serious affairs that are affecting the home.

Such shows make me more averse to relationships and parenting than I already am.
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Anonymous Comrade 100801

Does anyone sometimes hate redemption arcs?
Or more specifically, maturation arcs?

They always make the charscters erratic as possible for "relatability" and make them.end up with wife and kids to show how much they "grown".

Or the charscters were badass delinwuents amd end up as family men.

I really hate that. Using familyhood as a convenient maturity licemse botn in fiction and real life.

Anonymous Comrade  100802

Yeah I was thinking about some of the edgy anime and manga I've read or watched. I guess its just that western animation seems to do "performative" edginess. If thats a thing. Even gratuitous shit feels more honest.

Anonymous Comrade  100803

Thats an interesting point about motivations being too angst and vice driven.

Slightly Mentally Impaired  100804

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Anonymous Comrade  100805

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Hello /GET/, how are you all doing this evening?

Anonymous Comrade  100807

Muvie nite. Art of War. Sometimes i wanna watch ideosyncratic stuff from the late 90s early 00s.

Anonymous Comrade 100808

Stressed out from work.
Angry and depressed about politics.
Only letting it motivate me though.
Trying to think of shitty memes to write about too.
How are you?

Anonymous Comrade  100809

its almost noon my guy.
I made a burrito for breakfast. it was baller.
nice 808

EAT THE PATH  100810

just a robot girl resting on my scrapheap

Slightly Mentally Impaired  100811

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New empire rework with the new patch for Warhammer 3 gave Gelt a gold transmutation mechanic meaning he just prints money.

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