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/leftylgbt/ Anonymous ComradeCountry code: blank.gif, country type: blank, valid: 32360[Last 50 Posts]

I can't make my own board but I can make my own thread so here it is. You can discuss LGBT+ stuff here from a Left perspective, without the toxicity and angry typing of Failchan's /lgbt/ or social media shitlibs.

Anonymous Comrade  32369

This is the third time this month I dream of sucking a cock, but I can't actually do that irl in where I live. Man being a closeted bi isn't fun
This post was edited by its author on .

Anonymous Comrade  32372

File: 1625006400271.jpg (137.56 KB, 1040x1155, 76533695_p0_master1200.jpg)

like a news thread or general talk about big gay, experiences and the whole thing?
i am super mad over being in the closet for all these years i wasted because i wouldn't get the education on those things i'd have needed to know better and be fine with myself, because people are just judgemental assholes and think "transhumanist bad, can't tell the kids about it or everyone will cut their dick off at age 7"
this shit is already bad enough
having to hide like you just to stay alive is absolute madness
but what are you even supposed to do to fight that?

Anonymous Comrade  32373

Well that definitely sucks, but it would be a radical improvement here if they at least have basic sex ed for teenagers. Teachers here won't touch the sexual reproduction lesson in the biology class with a 10 foot pole, meanwhile sexual harassment is so rampant among same-sex kids and they don't do shit about cause the kids don't report it. Kids have no way of knowing that it's wrong, and things don't get "corrected" when they grow up. Nah most of the time they internalize that this is acceptable behavior.
They still think segregating children does anything to help those helpless souls.
>fight that
meh I'm not planning to, only thing I'd do here is perhaps try to start some orgs with help from the leftists in kuwait, bahrain, lebanon, and iraq. At least they have leftist or even communist parties there. Assuming that I'm stuck to this region or don't want to leave in the next decade.

Anonymous Comrade  32407

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it's bad enough when your family and everyone you know in general would never accept you if they knew the truth
it's worse when most people and the law on their side
and when there are violent reactionaries who will give worse punishments
how long will I have to keep living like this

Anonymous Comrade 32411

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Yay, hello friends!
It's still technically pride month. <33

Anonymous Comrade 32429

can't wait for it to be over, seeing the flags on corporations logos pisses me off and ruins my summer days everytime i see it

Anonymous Comrade 32440

Yeah, I hate it too, but, It comes with the territory of capital accumulation, anon.

Anonymous Comrade  32473

When did you find out that you had the big gay?

Anonymous Comrade  32476

File: 1625075845873.jpg (29.08 KB, 500x357, ކަރަންޓު ވާގަނޑު.jpg)

hard to tell exactly
denied it for a long time before gradually accepting it a few years ago

!Vilci..jP. 32492

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4chan LGBTs are the absolute worst. They're just a reskinned /r9k/, except instead of whining about how their life is garbage because tfw no gf, they whine about how their life is garbage because they're LGBT and just want to be "normal" instead.
Like, that's shit you're supposed to get over in your first year after you come out. You lament that being a vanilla person would probably have been easier for you socially, then say "oh well" and move on. But they're trapped in an echo chamber of self-hatred. It's like they're permanently stuck in the moodiest and edgiest part of puberty, which imo is a fate worse than death.

and it's like, motherfucker calm down, just be a lesbian if you're a lesbian and enjoy it, because life is short and girls are cute, ffs

Anonymous Comrade  32494

sounds annoying
never been on that board, still have not bothered to check it out, and i never will hopefully
busy enough being bitter because i'm not self hating but rather hate everyone else who stood in my way and i lament that i can't rip their heads off and make them pay by making them feel miserable
still probs a shit attitude but i don't want to give people a pass on being shitheads and just let it go

Anonymous Comrade 32504

>Like, that's shit you're supposed to get over in your first year after you come out.
What is it on some kind of schedule?

!Vilci..jP. 32512

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I mean, there's a point where you should seek a therapist and work through it because it's not healthy to stew in self hatred, y'know?

Anonymous Comrade 32684

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>like a news thread or general talk about big gay, experiences and the whole thing?
This post was edited by its author on .

Anonymous Comrade  32685

So gay

Anonymous Comrade  32690

gonna have some experience shared then. gay guys and straights, against popular belief, are actually rather similar, or at least the doms, and in online dating platforms. in either case they just always want to go straight to fucking and they're kind of annoying about it.
i wonder why that is. maybe it's just the lack of experience with girls but i met exactly 1 that was like that too and it really made me uncomfortable. is it just dating sites that makes people act weird?
not going back to them but it sometimes still makes me wonder when i remember that shit

Anonymous Comrade  32691

I've never heard of Failchan, is it really that bad?

It's 4chan, are you that surprised it would be toxic? I go on /lgbt/ on rare occasion, and it isn't always shit, but it definitely seems like it much of the time.

Anonymous Comrade  32736

>I've never heard of Failchan
It's probably just another way of saying 4chan

Anonymous Comrade 32875

LGBT is a liberal conception of sexuality, but we can't overcome it until it is entirely adopted and normalized.

Anonymous Comrade  32898

LGBTQ+ is not a conceptualization of sexuality but the identity relating to sexuality itself
the overall conception of sexuality in totality under liberalism is deficient for human sexual expressions (namely in how it is coupled exclusively to romance because of the protestant ethos that propelled capitalism forwards) coupled with the deep alienation of capitalism forcing a lot of relationships to be very consumerist-orientated, short lived, and built entirely around self-gain (dating sites) leading to social contradictions and multitudes of failures in the social construction of society. The nature of sex itself shall be more open and free-associative in socialism as opposed to the draconian conception of sex in capitalism.

Anonymous Comrade  33276

so who else is gay

Anonymous Comrade  33278

What do you mean who else? Isn't everyone here gay?

Anonymous Comrade  33279

it's a ruse to get everyone to post about it

Anonymous Comrade  33280

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I'm bisexual, so basically half gay.

Well, probably a little more than half gay.

Anonymous Comrade  33291

I like the fuck

Anonymous Comrade  33293

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So am I
another more specific question
who else is in the closet

Anonymous Comrade  33530

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>hurrr this is absolutely haraam look at the story of the Prophet Lut and what happened to his people
I am tired of hearing this shit.

Anonymous Comrade  33531

who the hell is lut?

Anonymous Comrade  33534

The prophet who was sent to Sodom and Gomorrah.

Anonymous Comrade  33538

didn't he sleep with his daughters because they made him drunk or was that the one who offered them up to a horde of rapists to save the angel?

Anonymous Comrade  33542

The latter.

Anonymous Comrade 33840

I become a level 32 witch in a few days...

Anonymous Comrade  33843

Do tell your secrets

Anonymous Comrade  33882

What are the abilities of the different witch levels?

Anonymous Comrade 34250

Hey /GET/, I need to get this off my chest... really sorry for the blog post. I have no other outlet...

I really like this bi guy physically, but he's also a good friend and has a girlfriend. They are kind of toying around with the idea of open relationships, which just makes me feel that I might have a chance. I think about him a lot...... like, a lot. I even had a dream yesterday where I finally saw him naked and got to stroke his dick. It feels so bad. It's like unrequited love, but only the sexual part.

I try to jack off before seeing him so I'm not too creepy, but he's just so attractive and I can't help but feel attracted to him.

Yesterday, I cried for a good hour because I can't reconcile wanting to have sexual encounters with friends and being a good friend. I don't want to ruin what we have. I also don't want things to be awkward between me and his girlfriend. He consoled me, and that just made it worse because I just wanted to be honest with him and tell him how I felt.

As a gay guy, I feel like I'm not allowed to feel these things in the same way that straight people are. I feel that I'm expected to have pure non-sexual feelings towards my friends, and I feel like that doesn't really happen with straight people. Ironically enough, I mostly *only* enjoy having sexual stuff with friends! Grindr and other hook up apps leave me feeling with enormous amounts of dread and loneliness.

Anonymous Comrade 34251

>>34250 (cont.)
I don't know, I don't even like sex that much. I just feel very attracted to some people. I wish I could turn it off sometimes, you know? But on the other hand, why can't I just give him a bro-job and not have it be weird.

Worst part, and I realized this after the session of crying yesterday, is that I'm pretty sure he knows I find him insanely attractive. Should I tell him? Maybe it will help me feel better. Or maybe I want to tell him in hopes that it will lead to something? If I tell him, will I feel more confidence and impose myself inappropriately on him? God, I'm tearing up again....

Nigga, you said what I wanted to say but like 90 times better.

Anonymous Comrade 34998

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Anonymous Comrade  35001

with something like that there is no good answer and in the end it's really only up to you to decide what risks to take is worth it to you, trying to do your best in how you communicate it, if at all, and then live with the consequences of people reacting which is out of control for anyone

Akko 35047

if you never do anything about it, it will never change. other than that, you can either tell him, or leave the friendship. if you plan on doing nothing, then you will need to suck it up and focus on dating other men. if you will eventually tell him, or if you will eventually leave the friendship, there's no use in postponing either one. the truth hurts but it helps.

Anonymous Comrade 35106

yeah. I kinda told him I would be down to having sex in an indirect way. There was no response, but I guess it was nice saying it.
I'm not really his type anyways. He likes twinks and I'm older, and don't have the body type of a twink.
You're right. I would just love it if I could have platonic sex with my friends. I already told him indirectly, and I think he was cool with it. I don't know if I should tell him directly because the rejection might feel too bad for me to handle right now.

Thanks for reading me and for answering comrades <3

Djinn-chan  35247

I was advised to post lewd stories in this thread, although frankly ive never really done anything very lewd aside from sit in a guys lap, but im not gonna talk about that. Anyway unsure what to post maybe could post my story about how i eventually figured out i was transgender. I mean i knew it for a while but i repressed really hard.

Anonymous Comrade  35255

go ahead

Djinn-chan  35405

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Alright, i think i'm gonna try and post my lifes story and shit. I already posted a little... but that post was in /leftytrash/ and it's gone forever, so i have to redo it.
Alright, so, unsure if it's relevant but apparently i had problems wtih female authority as a young child. Actually maybe that's just what my dad raised me to be like because he was a misogynist.
For context, my dad was a stormfront user since the 1990s and my mom was more of a conspiracy theorist new age type. One of my earliest childhood memories was how much i missed him when he went to jail when i was like 3 years old.
Anyway i knew i wasn't like everyone else at around age 7. This was because i guess i was just jealous of how girls could dress and grow their hair long and stuff. But i do remember being dissatisfied, though i wasn't really sure why. Anyways my friend introduced me to the internet by getting me to play club penguin.
That's sorta where my life went off the rails, because i started going around looking for new websites to check out. armorgames, icanhazcheezburger, albinoblacksheep, youtube, etc.
My mom showed me this website above/belowtopsecret (now a qboomer website, but back then it was a tabloid type conspiracy site about bush and 9/11 and shit), and my dad showed me stormfront, thoguh i had no interest in using stormfront cuz they all seemed like bitter old people who don't know how to have fun.

Djinn-chan  35406

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When i was 8 years old i found 4chan from a 4chan gif compilation. so i started going on /x/ because i already had experience with kooky conspiracy type stuff and it intrigued me a lot.
So from that point i became an ancap type. I was a young idealist so i didn't really understand everything, but i didn't trust the gubermint because not only did they do 9/11 but also my dad wanted me to support confederate secessionism, and i did.
I was introduced to a lot of things on 4chan. Sex, hentai, anime, though i had a vague idea about a lot of other things. I self inserted as the girl in everything. I moved into a trailer after living in condominiums, must've been around 2009 or so when we moved. I was "dating a girl" before i moved although really all we did was play outside and one time we made out because my brother arranged a fake wedding for us. Anyway after we moved my parents started fighting a lot, arguing etc because my mom was getting really tired of my dad being a narcissist who faked seizures and neglected us, though i ignored it for the most part. Around that time i became pretty infatuated with being a cute anime waifu. I know it sounds dumb as fuck but i wanted to be a cute anime gorl and i was too young to think that was cringe. I was really obsessed with the aesthetic of it.

Djinn-chan  35407

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When i was 10 i got hit in the head with a spiked bat while visiting a friend, and then a year later i got kidnapped during a divorce dispute and stayed at my aunt's house for a year. My mom told me we were gonna go christmas shopping, and we all just packed up and left. This must've been around christmas in 2011. I was a little confused and became pretty depressed to be away from my dad (though i shouldn't have) and got homesick, and while all that was happening there was also swarmfront on 4chan, the 2012 shit was going on, and everybody was fearmongering on /x/ about shit like the biblical judgement day or zombie apocalypses or nibiru, so it scared the shit out of me.
To cope i fantasized constantly about being loved and cuddling and going to parties and being a cute anime gorl. I was fucked up and so when swarmfront happened and the site was preparing for the creation of /pol/, antisemitism got sold to me because "the illuminati are really just jooz if you think about it". So i became antisemitic and my idealistic ancap phase was over. /pol/ got created, and i lived online because my life was kinda shitty and i wanted to ignore it, so when i went home and gamergate started happening i was like clearly feminism has gotten out of hand with all this divorce rape and false accusations and nepotism, and i fell down that whole rabbit hole and became a hitler fan.

Djinn-chan  35409

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I repressed my transhumanist feelings really hard. I had already fantasized about being a girl, being cute, being cuddled a lot, so i started hearing all these uncomfy ben shapiro-type talking points - "you're biologically not a woman", "you'll never be cute", "you're delusional", and i took that to heart. Maybe i was just mentally ill, right? So when i repressed, my favorite fantasy became magic. I wanted to magically become a girl.
When i got back into high school at my home, i spent most of my time erping with older men on omegle and playing world of warcraft (and also erping there too). I developed a crush on an anarchist tomboy who used to hang out with lesbians, and i was like "oh no im gonna stay far away from that" because i didn't wanna get dommed by a anarchist tomboy as a neo nazi. I quickly spiralled into depression because i refused to tell her how i felt and this was a pretty major crush. When she joined a sports team, i joined too, even though i had asthma from my dad's second-hand smoke and sucked really bad. I just wanted to impress her and see her face a lot.
So she ended up dating an 18 year old on the sports team we were both on. And i was just like, "o-oh well, she's his problem now haha...". And in 2015, maybe a little earlier m00t cracked down on gamergate, so i went to 8chan because they promised free speech, and i thought 4chan was just too libtarded.

Djinn-chan  35410

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Anyway when i got there i found /cuteboys/, and somehow i just loved the idea of femboys. It wasn't a board for people below 18, but i went there anyway because it was gay nazi TERF central and maybe i was developing issues with women. So i was posting my ass on /cuteboys/ when i was 15. I somehow deluded myself into thinking i was just a gay guy who was into femininity, and the fact that my crush was a tomboy was proof that clearly i was just into androgyny. I was still doing sports, and i did weight lifting where a bunch of dudes would grab my ass when i would go to get water from the water fountain.
My parents divorced at this point.
Everybody thought i was gay, though i was struggling with the idea of it. The trump election started happening, and i followed it pretty closely. I had a maga hat which my dad gave me and i was pretty proud to be a faggot who supported trump. There was this one black guy who flirted with me, even grabbing my wrists and telling me to go home with him so he could top me, but when i threatened to go off the grid if hillary clinton won, he thought i was too crazy and backed off.

Djinn-chan  35411

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Anyway trump won and i was honestly kinda disappointed because nothing immediately happened, and i hyped it up way too much. A couple months after he won i started wondering how to distinguish myself, a hitler fan, from all the clearly retarded magaboomers that flooded in from r/The_Donald, because i was natsoc and they were just nationalist, but i didnt ever consider what socialism was. I learned about strasser when i asked around, and i began reading him, and then i became a strasserist from memes. And then i became a nazbol. And then i started browsing /leftypol/ in 2017 even though my brother told me not to hang out with those naughty marxists because a communist flirted with me on /b/ and it made me horny. Most of the posts i made were like pic related, totally incomprehensible schizo shit.

Djinn-chan  35412

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My mom remarried. He was a child molestor who raped his two daughters along with his creepy brother who lived outside the house in a little trailer. I was still thinking of myself as a gay femboy at this point, but i was wondering if something was wrong, because i hated seeing facial hair in the mirror, i hated being treated like a man, i liked girls in the past, and it still didn't click. My mother found out about the new guy being a child molestor, so she divorced him even though they married like a month after they met. I still kinda miss my step sisters though.
Anyway it wasn't until 2 years ago that i finally realized i was a transhumanist. It was after arguing with tomokoposter, and she btfo'd me really hard and forced me to question my existence. My bf broke up with me because i was trans and he was gay.
Fuck i can't type anymore. If anyone has any questions i'll answer them later

Anonymous Comrade  35415

how do you get molested and your ass grabbed and not just give into desperation for the need of feeling desired by letting them fuck you? restraint? fear? i'd have let anyone do me at some point.

Djinn-chan  35418

I wasnt molested. I definitely would have given in if my high school acquaintances were more direct though. I think i was just scared of getting hurt, afraid of intimacy for a while. I kept my distance, but there's no way i'd be able to resist somebody showing affection to me. Except for male authority figures in my life who were mostly shitty or absent. I think i have daddy issues.

Anonymous Comrade  35422

but guys grabbed your ass at the gym?
or that black dude, that sounded like such an opportunity to just nod and not say anything until there is nothing but moaning and crying from how big he is while forcing his way

Djinn-chan  35424

File: 1627354082852.png (Spoiler Image, 704.82 KB, 950x650, 1626972139412-0.png)

I do regret it. I could've been railed by dudes in the locker room and shit. But i wanted it to be meaningful and have love to it, and i didnt have crushes on anyone but cute types. It feels kinda awful that i missed those opportunities but maybe i can make up for it by fucking someone i love. If i fall in love.

Anonymous Comrade  35425

on the one hand, yes, on the other, sex tho

Djinn-chan  35426

Im gonna go to sleep but ill answer more stuff in the morning

Anonymous Comrade  35697

how does it feel to be fucked in the bum?

Anonymous Comrade  35706

depends on the size, varies from alright to nice to painful

Anonymous Comrade 35725

File: 1627614485190.jpg (74.62 KB, 770x600, 1626915202566.jpg)

I'm horny just thinking about it.

Anonymous Comrade  35728

sometimes when I'm horny it's all I can think about

Anonymous Comrade  35735

have you tried sticking something in your butt?

Anonymous Comrade  35737

Bourgeois decadence! Just don't poop for a while.

Anonymous Comrade  35738

only fingers
toys are illegal here and I'm too scared to try other things

Anonymous Comrade  35773

did try it for the first time a couple days ago and I didn't expect a strong sensation or an enjoyable experience. I'm left in need of more now.
I know that feel and I can only hope I get relieved.

Anonymous Comrade  35781

feels good for me but fingers too smol
need something more

bear 35811

2 fingers?

Anonymous Comrade  35909

>developed a crush on an anarchist tomboy who used to hang out with lesbians
sounds like one of my exes lmao. was she from Charleston and had ginger hair she dyed black?

Djinn-chan  35975

nah she had brunette hair and dyed it with blonde streaks and blue eyes

Anonymous Comrade 36035

that screencap is based tho

templar 36436

fellas, is it gay to want a cock in my ass and another in my mouth? asking for a friend of course

Anonymous Comrade  36467

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according to finnish and russian anons, it's not.

Anonymous Comrade  36953

How do you get smooth legs? Mine are hairy and I don't like that

Anonymous Comrade  36985

mine got pretty nasty hairy first, then it just went away
nothing much you can do other than shaving it off
personally i am not against hair though and i don't think smoothness is that desirable
only where hair can get kind of in the way it should be groomed

junko  37027

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is attraction to men as a woman a mental illness? it's like sometimes ill be a pickme for no reason just because of retard lizardbrain. very not so good maybe. also hi

Anonymous Comrade  37028

Being attracted to men has nothing to do with being a pickme. Attraction to men is fine, while harming yourself for attention isn't.

junko  37031

File: 1628613223799.png (236.87 KB, 400x400, unknown-106.png)

>Being attracted to men has nothing to do with being a pickme.
I'm not convinced

junko  37036

idk maybe I'm just being dumb
going on r9k for a few years probably rotted my brain a bit

Anonymous Comrade  37038

i don't really understand what you're saying there
also what is a pickme?

Anonymous Comrade  37041

probably not, love generally makes people do stupid things, be it hetero or homo.
someone who does anything for (sexual or romantic) attention

Anonymous Comrade  37043

that sounds more sad than something to judge harshly
sad or really horny, or both, which is kinda hot because i can relate

junko  37049

basically with men acting kinda desperate and self degrading i guess, idk i mostly try to make sure i don't let it happen with the wrong person lol

junko  37051

idk i never did that pick-me thing with a woman i guess though
not sure if id be happier with a man or woman frankly cuz the self degrading thing feels kinda badgood so wtf, but i seek stimulation

Anonymous Comrade  37105

I mean, I kinda naturally feel sexually submissive towards women but dominant towards men as a bisexual. It's not weird to have a kind of preference towards a specific sex as an aspect of your sexuality.

junko  37113

I guess so, I'm beginning to think I rationally prefer women and naturally prefer men though. Very odd, not sure which to follow. I was trying to express this earlier I think but was rather tired.

Anonymous Comrade  37120

File: 1628633258502.png (1.33 MB, 819x1024, Jade_Cargill_10.png)

maybe try tomboys? or muscle girls? actually, what do you really find attractive in men?

Slightly Mentally Impaired  37125

File: 1628633802108.jpg (23.52 KB, 321x600, Kanzaki.Hideri.600.2146456 (1)…)

ignore this >>37120 crossdressing boys are what you need

Anonymous Comrade  37144

>shamelessly advertising herself in front of her girlfriend
lewd and i like it

junko  37148

>maybe try tomboys? or muscle girls?
don't think I would fit with one tbh
>what do you really find attractive in men?
I can't really even answer this well, i think that attraction is mostly just innate or something?
it's nice to feel protected by someone stronger than you i guess, for one thing, even as an independent soul it is nice to be able to rest assured. Aside from being sexually/romantically appealing I think it just practical, that I would want someone to lean on.

I kind of like femmy or nerdy guys. Not sure either way but don't think a femboy would fit my ideal for a long term male partner. I've dated some nerdy guys though.

junko  37150

also I should add that I feel that I click with women better despite all that, so I wish I was romantically/sexually mainly or only into them.

Anonymous Comrade  37158

I kinda get that. Sometimes I try to explain why I like women and it always comes back to some incredibly obscure line of thought like "smoothness" or just looking inherently cuddly.

junko  37162

hmm, strange, I actually feel like both are v nice to cuddle with.

Anonymous Comrade  37167

I think boys are nice to cuddle, girls are nice to be cuddled by

junko  37275

Think I wish I could be a lezzo top but I'm neither

!Vilci..jP. 37291

File: 1628714218563.png (105.66 KB, 440x319, Kyubey_with_airi.png)

It takes a lot of work and training to be a lesbian top, but once you get there, it's pretty great. I believe in you.

...but like actually i really hope you get to live your dreams no matter what they are. you'll be happy you went for it, even if the path there is long and annoying.
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templar 37294

File: 1628715074199.jpg (24.35 KB, 705x366, begay.jpg)

also i lied to you, it was totally for myself
i sure fooled you all
this, i dont know how this is but maybe its just the effort guys often have to put in in order to look super cute

junko  37490

File: 1628835750032.png (101.42 KB, 556x615, unknown-141.png)

I don't think I feel what I wrote here anymore. Quite strange. I wonder if something causes my personality to change every few days. Is that a part of BPD?

junko  37493

Ahh shit. The more I learn about BPD the more I think I might really have it. I really didn't need an extra meme disorder. I wonder if it'd affect view of my own sexual identity in that way. I think I should just be comfortable as a bisexual. But it feels difficult somehow. At least the flag is pretty. ✨

Anonymous Comrade 37526

I feel like I have no real convictions or consistent thoughts either, I feel like I'm closer to having something like self-defeating personality disorder, I had someone diagnose me once through 4chan using a test they use to employ people in certain jobs, he finished it off by saying that judging by my answers I could almost be psychopathic, but I care too much about what people think.

I do have a consistent sexuality, though, straight, wouldn't really suck a cock unless it was literally perfect (wouldn't settle for an average guy) and I wouldn't let someone fuck me in the ass, and I wouldn't fuck a boy in the ass unless he was really cute and girly to begin with, so I'm like that bi guy that only fucks guys if they are basically girls with penises.

Akko 37541

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i just started dating this one chick. she's bi, i'm bi. but she doesn't fully believe me. in fact, more than once she asked me if i was just "secretly gay". by now she has learned that it's a rude thing to keep asking about, and that i'm comfortable in my bisexuality. there are two reasons why she asked me this question:
>she comes from a shit home and has major trust issues; feels like no guy would ever actually like her
<i once admitted that men are the first thing that come to mind when i think "hot people"
now, my leaning toward guys is not a big lean. when i am attracted to a gal, i can tell 100% (and no less than when i am attracted to a guy). my date is very cute and i have definitely caught myself getting hard around her a few times.
...but then again???
i mean, yeah, the idea that i'd have a tall strong guy who can wrap his arms around me and be protective and cuddly is really awesome in my head. it feels like a bigger priority than having a hot girlfriend or wife. i dunno. being bi is a real uphill tbh

Anonymous Comrade  37547

Ask her if she is okay with open relationships and if she accepts, go out together to pick up a chad to rail both of you.

Akko 37572

but i'm not into that, in fact. i am much more comfortable in a closed, two person relationship, and i would genuinely rather be with her exclusively. i'm just somehow worried that (since we just started dating), if i eventually do decide not to be her bf, and then afterwards date a guy, it would hurt her. but if i stick with her, i don't think i'll be like... unsatisfied really? at least i hope i won't. i've dated and genuinely loved a girl before, so i think i won't.

Akko 37575

and open relationships aside, i am really wacked out by the idea of "casual sex". maybe i'm demi, if that is even a meaningful category. i just want to get fricky with people i know and trust yo

junko  37920

>I do have a consistent sexuality, though
i do too it's just sometimes i feel like i wish it was different but im bisexual

Anonymous Comrade  37958

well casual implies less fucking random people and more sex outside of a strict context of a romantic relationship, so fucking your best friend is as casual as just fucking a rando (and more realistic to boot).

Anonymous Comrade  38088

It's fun time

Anonymous Comrade  38094

what kind of fun?

Anonymous Comrade  38096

sex but alone in my room

Anonymous Comrade  38097

I'm feeling too tired to have one of those times right now
have a nice night

Anonymous Comrade  38098

good night nk anon. have good dreams.

Anonymous Comrade  38123

Those feelings of you feeling like you really want to be a cute crossdresser, only to realize that the only good asset is your legs. Then comes the whole I never dated and attracted to femininity mostly, but scared to make a move again. Bah the nature of being bisexual is a trip.

Anonymous Comrade  38511

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Anonymous Comrade  38515

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Anonymous Comrade 38543

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Am I the only Trans person who hates Disney/Marvel with a fucking passion?

Anonymous Comrade  38546

sometimes, more or less
usually more than less

Anonymous Comrade 38547

Why people here hate /lgbt/?

Anonymous Comrade  38548

but this is an lgbt thread

Anonymous Comrade 38549

No the 4cucks board

Anonymous Comrade  38939

oh cool,
I've wanted one of these for awhile.
The other board doesn't allow such things

I've noticed that gay men (like myself) tend to be radical less often than the other letters, lesbian bi trans, is that just bias cause it's the letter I'm most active in (gay bars before covid etc) or do the rest of you also see fewer radical gay men relative to lesbian, bi, trans, etc

Anonymous Comrade  38942

I sometimes wish to kiss a girl. I never kissed a guy either, oh well.

Anonymous Comrade  38951

might just be your perception since you're in that social circle
i didn't see many open trans but none of them were commies, that just seems to be an internet thing
i doubt this can really be measured properly so i'd just assume there's about as many radicals within any of the lgbt+ as there's in the general population, maybe just a neglible amount more
but that's also just guessing

Djinn-chan  39353

Came out to my mom as bisexual

bear 39356

How’d she take it?

Anonymous Comrade  39357

>they deleted the article after it was cited by western sites
How did it go?

Djinn-chan  39359

Shes totally in denial atm

Anonymous Comrade  39368

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>tldr: hurr you're literally the same as ISIS. muh threat to our religious and national unity
I hate centrists

Anonymous Comrade  39401

just hoping you get to suck the dick of your dreams some day

OP  39777

File: 1630608845323.jpg (3.49 MB, 2000x2798, __furude_rika_and_houjou_satok…)

>The other board doesn't allow such things
The exact reason this was made here. If it was made at the other board, it would have been overrun with the TERFs and /pol/yps that they allow there.
It's a Madoka Magica reference.
I just don't understand how any trans woman could ever identify with the degrading characatures promoted by Blanchard and his supporters.

Anonymous Comrade 39917

Makes absolute sense that a group with a larger absolute share of the total population would be closer towards the norm on average (equilibrium).
Not to mention that gays have been the most emancipated (legally speaking) and been the most absorbed into the mainstream political circuit. Because of that, there is no need for your average, middle class, white fruit to be critical of the establishment, since they can simply become a part of it to realize their desires.

You're wrong by the way, there are far, FAR more bi people than for the other orientations combined.

Anonymous Comrade  39990

I think the wildest experience I've ever had was having a friend who became trans and then converted to islam and started wearing the hijab

don't get me wrong she is cute in it but it took some time to deprogram my brain from "hijab is reactionary"

Anonymous Comrade  40063

Some hijabs are actually fashionable and look very good. It'd be very wrong to associate politics with clothing really, especially when it's pretty much a cultural thing that gets molded by populations across the planet.
This really reminds that I should help analyze Islam's cultural influence.

Anonymous Comrade  40066

yeah but living in america you realize that anything cultural can be politicized because the preferred means of politics by the ruling class is culture war

Anonymous Comrade  40265


Anonymous Comrade  40276

Anonymous Comrade 40285

Hey get Chan, what is the correct handling of a situation where a teen is bullied/mocked by someone for his religious beliefs/sexual orientation/ethnicity ?

Anonymous Comrade  40286

Depends on what you can do and where is it happening.

Anonymous Comrade  40318

back when I was in middle and high school I'd start fights over that stuff.

Anonymous Comrade 40553

File: 1631237732485.png (1.04 MB, 750x919, __cirno_and_daiyousei_touhou_d…)

Happy ⑨ Day from /leftylgbt/!

Anonymous Comrade  40555

depends on who you are
as a teacher you say that the bully is being very naughty, then you blame the bullied kid for letting things get to them
if you're a teen yourself you take the bullied kid and kick it around a little to boost your own social status among your peers
alternatively you can join a circle of anti bully activists that tell others how bullying is very bad and you shouldn't do it
if you are the bullied kid then everything you do is wrong and you'll be made aware of that by everyone else

Anonymous Comrade 40601

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Anonymous Comrade 40679

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image dump time, share some fun ones

Anonymous Comrade 40680

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Anonymous Comrade 40681

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Anonymous Comrade 40682

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Anonymous Comrade 40683

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Anonymous Comrade 40684

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Anonymous Comrade 40685

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Anonymous Comrade 40686

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Anonymous Comrade 40687

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Anonymous Comrade 40688

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Slightly Mentally Impaired  40709

File: 1631364895976.png (101.05 KB, 546x334, nzhs81nc8ab51.png)

I just want to be an anime girl is that so hard to ask?

Anonymous Comrade  40712

File: 1631378347330.jpg (127.88 KB, 1173x797, i want to be a girl.JPG)

just where does that put you on the spectrum?

Anonymous Comrade  40713

You do?

Anonymous Comrade  40722

How did the livelihood of so many people end up on whether they have a penis or not? I don't understand how do people ignore basically everything else about a person's life.

Slightly Mentally Impaired  40729

Anonymous Comrade  40736

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I see this with a lot of fellow queer people, especially transfem people, and it makes me think about whether or not internet culture has caused a worsening of body image. Like it just makes me think.

Like, I get it, I'm the dreaded nonbinary, assigned female at birth, I know what dysphoria feels like. But being a female/femme/feminine is nothing like being an anime girl. And it's not that I'm saying it makes one's identity fake, I have the same issue. I have body dysmorphia over not being a perfect waifu or husbando (depending on the day). But we shouldn't expect that out of ourselves and how we present. We're still just people. We shouldn't want to be cartoon characters, I shouldn't expect myself to look like a 90's manga character of any gender, but I do some days, and I feel like that's a bad thing?

I don't know. Just something that's been on my mind. I hope you're feeling better, fellow anon.

Anonymous Comrade 40741

i think this is something a lot of people have, wanting to be desirable, and anime characters are, at least for fans, very desirable
and anime is a nice escapist fantasy and it'd just be nice to take some of that back to reality, like the silly carefree fun that those anime girls get to have
you don't have too much of that when you're a transhumanist and told to kys because you're fugly

Anonymous Comrade  40743

File: 1631410433362.gif (Spoiler Image, 3.3 MB, 540x304, fghjkhjgghghjkjhjghjk.gif)

I definitely agree with you there. I mean, who doesn't want to be a desirable person with a wonderful group of friends who eventually have to be the ones to save the day (in a sense, liberation)? I 100% agree that a large part of it is escapism. And I and many others love nothing more than escapism. I don't want to be stuck as just another mentally ill cog, I want to be something bigger, something better. With the aesthetics and art style to match. Maladaptive daydreaming is a helluva drug.

But I can't help but muse if perhaps imageboard culture that sat there and (sometimes ironically, sometimes not) extoled the virtues of 2D girls over 3D and Tumblr culture that said the 3D girls were the 2D girls, in a way, helped perpetuate an expectation in minds particularly susceptible that they should be 2D.

Then again, this is just musings, and escapism is certainly the easier explanation.

I'm sorry you get so much shit flung at you, anon. I know it can get rough out there. You're stronger than you could ever imagine.

I have no clue. I wonder the same thing. I don't understand why someone else's genitals are so important to another person, unless said genitalia is being used to harm another or they're in a sexual relationship with the person attached to said genitalia.

!Vilci..jP. 40769

File: 1631454932013.jpg (27.78 KB, 287x299, 0h7.jpg)

Sometimes I think that the Right simply has more animalistic brains, and thus get obsessed with determining who's a potential mate and who's a potential rival in every single possible scenario.

I imagine the truth, though, is closer to that they've been taught bioessentialist views like that by their parents, who were taught by theirs, etc., because bioessentialism is basically babby's first worldview and it's easy to come up with and spread, requiring no prior learning other than things that "seem self-evident" when you squint.

...also christianity, which these people have a unique version of which just means it's right to believe whatever they already believe and they'll go to heaven for fighting about it.
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Anonymous Comrade  40783

You're a lawyer. You can't just answer all the questions you're asked by yes or no. You have to elaborate

Anonymous Comrade 40794

>bioessentialism is basically babby's first worldview
You can skip the rest. It's not relevant.

Anonymous Comrade  41951

Anonymous Comrade  41952

just scrolled through some stuff and found a story about a transgirl being taken away during an active shooter drill and made to stay in a hallway between girl and boy locker rooms because americans seperate children by gender as to where to take cover during a school shooting
every time i hear something new about americans i hate them more for how incredibly fucking stupid they are

Anonymous Comrade 42263

IMO homie I think you should hate the system that produce stupid Americans rather than Americans in general. I really don't think you can appreciate just how fucked up the whole thing is from top to bottom. It's system upon system of Orwellian, Kafkaesque bullshit and it's shocking that any one of them come out as sane as they are.

Anonymous Comrade 42264

>and it makes me think about whether or not internet culture has caused a worsening of body image

In regards to major social media, yes.

>Since at least March 2020, Facebook officials have known that Instagram—the photo-sharing app owned by Facebook, Inc.—has the power to make teenagers feel worse about their bodies, according to an internal report obtained by The Wall Street Journal.

>“Thirty-two percent of teen girls said that when they felt bad about their bodies, Instagram made them feel worse,” Facebook researchers wrote in the presentation about the negative effects of Instagram, according to the Journal.

Anonymous Comrade  42884

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Anybody else amused at the thought of being called "irrational" and "delusional" by people that literally believe in giants, angels, demons, dragons, unicorns and talking snakes and that you'll go directly to hell if you don't believe in those?

Anonymous Comrade 42887

would be more amusing if they could be thrown into asylums and chemically castrated

Anonymous Comrade  42893

File: 1633230185054.png (878.26 KB, 1488x666, we all wanted to play videogam…)

Wooo for reals?
So is this IB somewhat not "LGBT-hostile"?
kinda grew up around IBs so i'm kinda used to them but since i left behind my incel phase after finding out i was trans i've really haven't got around any IB where i can discuss anything without getting mobbed by nazboloids or borderline nazbols essentially making my entire stay in any IB a constant transphobic shitshow without any substance except for the same 3 memes
including bunkerchan and or leftypol (can't remember which one but that was pretty much my experience)

Anonymous Comrade  42894

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something about trying to become a fascist henchman like my family always wanted to avoid the fact that i was trans has left me with an eternal thirst for violence
if i could pick something to do with rightoid incels the first thing that comes to mind is usually something involving the Sonora desert and a big stick

Anonymous Comrade  42896

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humans are delusional by nature

that said having been in hell and back i'm happy to be able to tell all transphobes that if god was on their side i wouldn't be here today.

Anonymous Comrade  42939

File: 1633260502950.png (171.66 KB, 1112x1388, ސައިބީރިއާ.png)

>is this IB somewhat not "LGBT-hostile"?
yes, there are many LGBT posters here and the type of people you describe get banned

Anonymous Comrade  42945

it's still the same there
in the old days of what i remember on 4/b/ people used to actually be cool with whatever you are, it didn't matter, it was nice
was only later that IBs were forced into becoming obnoxious underaged tryhards taking banter serious and turning everything into a nazi shithole

never been rightist myself and i judge anyone who was harshly and will treat them forever with utmost distrust
but if it taught you to hate them with enough passion to consider secret police style torture for these fucks rather than talking it out with them, that's pretty neat and sadly all too rare
i wish i could see the day that all legal power is socialist again and these fuckers rot in dark holes when they're not being dragged out for a beating

Anonymous Comrade 42960

the fuck is an IB

Anonymous Comrade  42961

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Anonymous Comrade  42966

File: 1633295698139.jpg (489.83 KB, 1620x1080, this chainsaw kills fascists.j…)


i just took the illegalist-pill (it's uppers)
been getting into FARC-escobarism
and Zapatism and now i want to make a gang to fight fascism in my country.

fashies get the machete.

Anonymous Comrade 42970

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This is unironically one of the few imageboards left that is what the old days were like. I think far too many people are forgiving of Moot because I think that he - more than anybody else - is responsible for the Neo-Nazi infestation that has effectively left chans a scorched earth filled with zombies in MAGA hats. If he wanted to stop it, he would have IP-banned anybody who ever posted in /pol/.

Anonymous Comrade  42975

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getting rid of \pol\ would have been an improvement
it was basically just a psyops hatchery

Anonymous Comrade  42979

don't give a shit about 4chan here. Especially not in this thread. thanks.

Anonymous Comrade  42986

is there any lgbt media stuff that isn't lib cringe even if it isn't outspoken socialist?
like, any streamers or youtubers maybe that share interesting news and takes?
i've never watched contrapoint(?) is she any good?
the only few mentions were on a place that shall not be named and it always came with the usual screeching

Anonymous Comrade  42990

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i like her
she's problematic as in internalized transphobia is one hell of a drug
she has been accused of apparently being more lib leaning too but i still like her videos i mean, they're somewhat more lighthearted nowadays and sometimes she streams for charity

side from that idk, been looking for a place for edgy leftist trans and queer people to fuck shit up with

Anonymous Comrade 43061

it's suspended, RIP

Anonymous Comrade 43106

File: 1633397724867.jpg (79.81 KB, 673x1200, E4Fs_mYVkAgUT1c.jpg)

Fuck how the military and intel agencies and NATO wrap themselves in the rainbow flag. I want to see every single F-35 turned into scrap and every aircraft carrier towed into the ocean and sunk.
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Anonymous Comrade  43131

File: 1633415847927.jpg (Spoiler Image, 349.03 KB, 1439x1436, average self loathing trans 4c…)

i wish there was more activity here, i tried checking out other IBs but "that" ib is still a shithole, including /lgbt/ like is such a cesspool of inceloids, feds and self deprecating trans people.
but maybe not as fucking bad as another IB i found called "crystal cafe"
basically an IB for terfs, and holy shit lmao, somehow the IB manages to be as filled with incels like like nearly every other IB
i swear i can't even tell if the users are actually terfs or your average incel pol user

Anonymous Comrade  43133

File: 1633417477398.png (1.02 MB, 1078x651, imagen_2021-10-05_014336.png)


we were discussing in discord how we would love to smash these things and we had a bit of a discourse on wether if it was possible to get rid of these with sledgehammers or you'd have better luck with *minecraft* TNT
and then it hit me:
The 300-Year-Old Exploding Hammer Tradition of Mexico

Anonymous Comrade  43135

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sometimes I just become filled with anxiety with the thought of my family finding out
even when there is practically no real chance of that happening at the moment

Anonymous Comrade  43136


i feel ya i actually hope you can work that out, even if my mother kicked me out i still really miss her tho.

Anonymous Comrade  43137

we don't have to have 300 posts a day in a single thread you know. It's nice being to read the whole thread in one sitting and not missing out on everything.
There's a lot of horrid places on the web. You don't have to expose yourself to their garbage.
Also post gay stories if you will, this thread was made for it.
You'll make it out with the only scar being that you might never talk to your family honestly.

Anonymous Comrade  43141

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well i only have sad and angry stories as of right now, but i mean i'm safe and like, not "as bad" as i used to when i was still a represser, which is why i keep going back to those places, at first i thought "hey, maybe lgbt has less shitheads?" and i mean compared to other boards i guess but what really caught my attention was the amount of kids that are actually being exposed to that harmful content on a daily basis
mostly been trying to tell them to actually practice some self care and stuff

wish i had more happy stories but like, living in latam kinda being the most lgbtphobic part of the continent i guess the happiest moments i've had is like, actually meeting other trans and gay people and such.

oh there's like also my grandma who even tho she's really conservative for the most part, i guess her being victim of domestic abuse and machismo somehow seems to support me and is actually mad at my mom for not wanting to talk to me.

the pandemic basically caught me in the middle of my transition so i've been kinda stuck at home or like, at least between homes.
so, i mean the problem being that i really don't have any reasons to go out as in, i can no longer do as my therapist asked me to go outside or so since i don't wanna "boymode" outside but i'm also not entirely out to a couple family members, and all of my friends actually managed to get into college so they've been busy and like, idk if it'd be responsible to like meet with them during the pandemic or at least not until we are already vaccinated.

Anonymous Comrade  43142


i just wish we had just a slightly bit more posts in a day, just a couple more, nothing exaggerated like "threads being bumped nearly every 10 seconds"
but like, every hour would be nice.

Anonymous Comrade  43144

I'll get to my lap and write about the time I had a crush on a guy.
Glad to hear you have at least someone out there who cares about you. It seems that we've al l been hit by the pandemic. I haven't seen my group in more than a year and lost contact with a lot of people. I don't really have anyone to talk with at this very moment...
Try to get to know the people here then. There isnt that many. 6- 13UTC is when most posters are either a sleep or at work.

Anonymous Comrade 43148

I hope you know already but that thing is in China, also I don't think they would actually paint it with the rainbow.

Anonymous Comrade  43174

got to always add a hammer sickle kind of stuff to pride flags, to make the distinction
the faster a board the scummier the posters
kinda works like that
some other boards chasing the pph always do it at the cost of freedom to screech
>i guess her being victim of domestic abuse and machismo somehow seems to support me and is actually mad at my mom for not wanting to talk to me.
maybe people have to suffer to learn some modesty and solidarity
good that you have her, thats pretty sweet

do you have to do outside and be openly trans so the therapist writes you up some good girl points to allow you legal transitioning?
that's kind of what they do here, went through this just before pandemic hit and got my woman license during it
still have not changed my drivers license though

Anonymous Comrade  43223

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didn't knew, i'm not on the US so i just know that there's a lot of "anti-homeless" architecture in there
side from that i just wanted an excuse to use an explosive hammer

Anonymous Comrade  43224

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sometimes i wish it worked like that, but our processes are as uncertain as our existance here
basically every step is half the time a legal and social fight
there's like 6 trans associations in the whole country and they still need to fight for every individual case to be able to access HRT and legal processes
i think healthcare *sometimes* will cover for hormones but a lot of the time afaik you must have started the process on your own and be lucky enough for the social security clinic you got assigned are eventually willing to cover you up with hormones, endocrinologist and or psychological help
but i don't even have healthcare because i'd need to be on college to get it
and like public college is basically ran like a "family business" and to actually like enter i'd have to get a 100% in my admission test because i had to do high school with a single test for mental health reasons so i got a 70% on my test and that's my "high-school NET score" which means due to the demand for college spaces i will always get left behind to make space for those with better scores in both HS and the admission test

On the other hand we have the "funny" "coincidence" that terfs started to boom at the same time that fascism and the far-right are seeming to increase in popularity

Anonymous Comrade  43225

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for reference here's some propaganda posters the "citizen's movement party" released a while ago that says "we'll defeat covid, together but not mixed"

Anonymous Comrade  43226

File: 1633467376576.png (99.04 KB, 480x360, imagen_2021-10-05_154951.png)


oh there's also one of my uncles that actually took my grandfather's advice to be more like my uncles who were actually fascist henchmen
who is actually too much of a coward to actually get battle-hardened, so instead he got involved with the far-right "National Action" party and it's getting an apparently legitimate degree on "Family Science" which one of the point seems to be the need of a "male family head"

but alas, i am reclaimer of my name, born in flames, my family crest is a demon of death.

Anonymous Comrade 43237

What country are you from? are you a NEET? I'm from México.

Anonymous Comrade  43246

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Same here Mexic
i really can't get a job because of my mental health, which means the last job i had ended up with me threatening my boss with a stake...
been keeping a watch for sex work
schools fucking suck here
like, you can get a fucking degree on "Family "Science"" but you can't get a fucking spot for art school (i know what we're all thinking but no, c'mon we're better than that)
in my defense i'm trying to make vidya gaems on my own as in i do have a small team but idk how to motivate them or motivate me for that matter at least not if i'm not manic af.
(pic related i'm actually good at art c'mon)

Anonymous Comrade 43280

I'm kind of aimlessly going about life, I'm 20 and I don't really have any interest in studying anything, don't have a job either. I'm not really part of the LGBT community, I was just interested by your story. I hope you have success in your endeavors and that gun does look pretty nice.

Anonymous Comrade 43310

>On the other hand we have the "funny" "coincidence" that terfs started to boom at the same time that fascism and the far-right are seeming to increase in popularity
I think that is it because they need a "secular" justification for promoting anti-Trans sentiment. They never had that back when they were attacking gay marriage; every single justification eventually looped back to the Bible. With Blanchard and the TERFs writing the Right's playbook, they can now say that their policies aren't explicitly religious.

Anonymous Comrade 43765

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Anonymous Comrade  44173

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another bump

Anonymous Comrade 44497

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What does one do if they know that marriage is a reactionary feudal remnant but always wanted to wear a pretty white dress at their gay wedding?

Anonymous Comrade  44508

recognize that it is bad because it is very bad and we don't do bad things and only bad people get to enjoy the bad thing
chastise yourself for even the thought crossing your mind
but don't go hard on other "normal" comrades getting married as it was intended and respect religious comrades because you'll be called a radlib otherwise

Anonymous Comrade  44509

Dress about anything you'd like anon. I want to know more about the wedding tho, why are weddings important? I don't see a reason for holding one tbh.

Anonymous Comrade 44557

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The whole gay marriage push was mostly about the fact that married couples have certain benefits that other couple do not have. As for me, I'm not into marriage myself, I just like the wedding pageantry.
Don't you know? If we don't unite with the QTards and coal rollers and TERFs and play to their prejudices, the revolution will be lost forever! 9_9

Anonymous Comrade  44579

exactly dear comrade
don't forget:
shitting on lgbt: just a bit conservative, maybe a bit boomer, total comrade material
and honestly they're all bizarre minorities that want to be victims while they're all being bourgeoisie
calling it out: radlib idpol and waste of time
you have to understand how to create unity, and it doesn't work with faggots
just saying faggot in the imageboard meaning, comrade :^)

Anonymous Comrade 45162

All anti-Trans slurs should be wordfiltered to "transgendereds" instead of "transhumanists". TERFs should be made to talk like their male allies.
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Anonymous Comrade 45575

Fuck the North American "Left". I just feel like they just fucking surrendered to Neoliberalism and Empire. That there's just absolutely no push back against NATO expansion, the villification of China and Russia, the domestic War on Terror, the homelessness crisis and austerity. The worst part is that if they're not silent, they flat out support these policies. Nobody is *really* on our side. Liberals are all for us as long as we are willing to be a firewall for Neoliberal economic policies, their rotten "Institutions" and Atlanticist/interventionist foreign policy. The "Left" is either liberals with edge or more than willing to compromise with TERFs and other transphobes in the name of "Unity". Remember that this compromise and "Unity" only ever goes one way; if you dare object to being called an ideology, a "Postmodern Neo-Marxist", a freak of nature or a sexual predator, then you're apparently a plot by billionaires to bring on the Great Reset or whatever. The only thing keeping me here in the U.S. at this point is that its not as nakedly hostile to Trans people as the U.K. I wish that there was a program where I could go teach English in China or Vietnam while working alongside Communist party cadres. I want to see how a real Communist party works.

Also, ever noticed how shitting on Trans people seems to be the newest kewlest thing to do right now? Are you a washed-up comedian liek Dave Chappelle or Graham Linehan and need stay relevant? Just shit on Trans people and you'll have thousands of Trumpers, "Ironic" rightists, and the "Anti-idpol left" that will be coming to your defense.
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Anonymous Comrade 45576

unity is the neverending same old screech of the impotent right wing opportunist

Anonymous Comrade 45612

It's the very definition of an abusive relationship.

Anonymous Comrade  45714

read something about terf islands biggest tabloid, big beautiful cock, published an article about trans women doing sexual assault, and one of the quoted cis women talking shit on trans was some mad cunt that is a known serial rapist
did i get the gist of that right?

Anonymous Comrade  45735

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why is there such a large terf presence on that island anyway?

Anonymous Comrade 45755

"I thought of some of my work as having a dialogue with rape culture, and myself as a performance art piece about sex and gender..."
Absolutely fucking unhinged:
From what I've read, its because the original TERFs from the 1970s still dominate feminism there. I also think that the Conservative Party quietly promotes TERFism so that they can have a scapegoat to distract from austerity and the mishandling of Brexit.

Anonymous Comrade 45819

I recently found this good-looking website called Twink Revolution. I love some of their takes:
>Tel Aviv is the pinnacle of LGBT destinations for drugged-out muscle queens from liberal hellscapes like LA and London, who return home to discuss how amazing Israel is for gay people, and how disappointing it is the rest of the Middle East hates the gays (if only, like, we could liberate them or something). Pride has become a popular tool for liberal imperialist powers to turn once severely marginalized Western LGBT people into complicit supporters of the oppression of the men and women (and yes, fellow LGBT people) in the Middle East.
>As COVID19 continues to lock many of us in isolation, I assume many are like us, whiling our lives away with the TV shows provided by our generous corporate overlords. Like all profit-seekers, media giants like Netflix continue to produce what works, and as a result—as if things weren’t bad enough—we have the misfortune of a fifth season of Queer Eye that premiered on Netflix on June 5th. A plethora of left-lib media sites, ranging from Bitch Media to Quartz, have offered a critique of the show for its failure to provide proper representation or insensitive handling of various identity issues. More commonly ignored, however, is the implied class project of Queer Eye, and whether the show is really about building acceptance or if it is just another effort in the ever-growing push to abolish the working class in favor of a universal bourgeois society.

Anonymous Comrade  46381

>check twitter
>see name of a dumb pseudofeminist bitch trending
>check whats going on
>bitch is a retarded terf pretending to be"concerned"
there should be a program to send them all to terf island and sink the whole thing by leveling it with nukes to sea level

Anonymous Comrade 46586

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Wow! Cancel culture is *so* out of control! Look at how cancelled she is!
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Anonymous Comrade  46587

the only legitimate way to really "cancel" such people is to throw them into gulag and forget about a 10 year limit

Anonymous Comrade  48084

hi gay people. how are you doing?
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Anonymous Comrade  48102

not too great but it could be worse

i saw that terf islands big beautiful cock news refuses to interview someone who's trans without forcing in a terf to talk shit back
though they'd have no problem excluding the trans from being talked about by the terf

in germany they want to abolish the "transsexual law" and replace it with a "self-determination law"
supposedly a progress but why only now, i feel screwed overe and getting no compensation

Anonymous Comrade  48128

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more or less the same as usual
how about you

Anonymous Comrade  48130

Trying not to ruin my day by feeling bad about stuff, also feeling like playing as usual.
Have you ever had a feeling for some guys you know before? I'm reflecting on the time I spent with some friends and how I enjoyed being with them a lot. Realizing that I had deep feelings for them, but never really pushed myself to be honest.

Anonymous Comrade  48139

yeah, more than once
but I didn't really realize/accept what it was until much later

Anonymous Comrade 48876

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one more who joined our ranks
communism status: soon

junko  49250

i linked this thread in /leftypol/ so if you see any weird shit washing up on your shores here after i post this, that's why.

Anonymous Comrade 49255

What have they been up to lately? Do they still allow TERFs to use /b/ as a sort of bunker?

Anonymous Comrade 49273


Anonymous Comrade 49745

How do you guys feel about the idea that trans people associating things as being girly or masculine when they contemplate their transition or during or after they've successfully transitioned reinforce gender stereotypes? just stuff like a feminist saying "a few years ago this (saying some things are inherently girly or masculine) would have been seen as sexist, now it's just an inherent part of being a girl for these people" or stuff like that, this wouldn't disprove gender dysphoria of course, but I don't know too much about any subject I just mentioned. I never thought too much about it but outside of biological features some part of transitioning for some people is obviously based on what they wear, in some cases they associate makeup and the such with it, too, which some feminists obviously try to disassociate with being a woman. There's obviously more cherrypicked examples TERFs choose like some trans people saying stuff like "had my first dumb girl moment haha" which is pretty stupid and does boil down the female gender to stereotypes, but that's the minority, I would say.

Anonymous Comrade 49747

>>49745 (still me)
My personal take would be that even though some trans people might reinforce some stereotypes by attempting to reach certain goals to fully transition in their eyes, and these could be stuff other women don't see as being the only thing that makes them woman, the thing is, this discussion would exist regardless of trans people existing, which is why we have sex positive feminists and sex negative feminists, women who think sex work and porn is okay and those who don't, and women who disagree on what is sexist and what isn't. A trans woman having certain views on what makes her a woman isn't adding any more discussion than there already is on what it means to be a woman, or on the other hand what it means to be a man, and I suppose this means gender is indeed performative in a way? again, I don't know too much about any of this.

Akko 49751

TERFs who falsely call themselves gender critical may feign a position of wanting to "abolish gender", but only insofar as this allows them to categorize people based on their gonads in a more strict way. if they truly grasped the idea that gender is a social construct, they would understand that trans women embracing elements of femininity that are seen as stereotypical is not relevant—because ALL elements of "femininity" as such are totally arbitrary and socially determined anyway.

Anonymous Comrade 50706

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Anonymous Comrade  50745

which are good ones that have gay couples?
actual couples
not dragon maid where kobayashi constantly feels the need to clarify that she's a girl and somehow that's an argument for anything
or one of those highschool boys that has eyes on a trap but it's going nowhere past awkward jokes about how he's conflicted about the possibly gay

the only good example that i can think of is no.6

Anonymous Comrade  50746

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Anonymous Comrade  50755

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Anonymous Comrade 51764

Anonymous Comrade  51832

happy new year to all tóngzhìs

Anonymous Comrade 51983

Can someone give me their own explanation of the difference between bisexuality and pansexuality? I don't fully understand the difference between the two, or if the discussion is really mostly about how those who already identified as bisexual to refer to being into fucking pretty much everyone feel threatened by the term pansexuality (because it makes them look less inclusive or something)

Because when I boil it down I think that if you are willing to have sex with people regardless of whether they have a penis or a vagina then you can theorically fuck anything, right? do they just not like the term pansexual? it's alright, I guess, just seems like a silly war, especially with articles like this

Anonymous Comrade 51986

Any MtFs repressed emotion through life as a result of difficult childhoods and found their own emotional state inaccessible as a result? Did estrogen help break through the repression?

!Vilci..jP. 52003

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It's a whole thing that essentially comes down to personal choice of label. Some people use pansexual because they feel like "bi means 2, and I'm into a lot more than 2 genders", for example. But then people who are a fan of the label bisexual will point out that it's always been inclusive of more than 2 genders, and that's literally what the purple stripe on the bi flag is meant to represent, so there's no need to make such a distinction. Etc etc, you can go back and forth a million ways. It means something different to everyone.

Anonymous Comrade 52020

That's what I thought, yeah, mostly just the terms rather than their preferences.

!Vilci..jP. 52023

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I think some people do have
some very concrete differences in their definitions of each, like, I've heard people say they're pan because they're "not 'attracted to both genders', I'm attracted to all people and gender is never even involved." So more of a "don't care" than an "interested in multiple". But yeah the communities are generally very chill and will welcome you openly to identify as either regardless of how you're perceiving their definitions.
Also I'm not pan or bi, I'm just a lesbian, so this is second hand/cultural osmosis. If someone affected has a better answer, do jump in.

Anonymous Comrade 52028

Thank you regardless, I can see why I found confusing and still do a little bit, it's as malleable as any other gender or sexuality, just a few steps ahead from the others.

Anonymous Comrade 52083

Does anybody else feel like everything's getting more and more conservative and backwards, despite how it may appear?
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Slightly Mentally Impaired  52090

Yes, that's probably why companies and whatnot are so eager to have pride colours in June; because that means they don't have to make any actual change if they just do the paltry "I support you on a surface level for 30 days" and somehow escape all the lawsuits and prosecution as a result.

Anonymous Comrade  52094

according to the new left the more people become antagonized and agitated through the system the more revolutionary they become, so they recognize that the gay bad and a capitalism, and then they become good christian boys that will do a communism because everything a worker does is communism
as lenin said "just do what the worker does"
ask muppet or spazz, they know all about it

junko  52122

Used to call myself pansexual because I was open to a lot of different types of people. Switched to bisexual because I'm not gender/sex-"blind". This discourse sucks anus, and people should just respect whatever bi or bi-like label people wanna use.

junko  52123

they'll grow out of it

Anonymous Comrade 52167

most gay/trans ppl online despise me for not being a cuck
i do hope they’re sockpuppets or something

Anonymous Comrade 52168

you would never give a shit about that until it came time to justify hating trans people. kill yourself

Slightly Mentally Impaired  52171

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junko  52383

what are some works you would consider a part of the "LGBT historical canon"? like books, tv or movies. not stuff that only has a light amount of gay but stuff that helps you to understand lgbt history and experience and particularly in a very creative or groundbreaking way?
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Anonymous Comrade 52456

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>accept myself as bigender
>be both at the same time

BB 52461

i know all sorts of electronic music genres got their initial push of popularity and development on gay clubs and such, so electronic music?

Djinn-chan  52471

>Zachar (זָכָר): This term is derived from the word for memory and refers to the belief that the man carried the name and identity of the family. It is usually translated as "male" in English.
>Nekevah (נְקֵבָה): This term is derived from the word for a crevice and probably refers to a vaginal opening. It is usually translated as "female" in English.
>Androgynos (אנדרוגינוס): A person who has both "male" and "female" physical sexual characteristics. 149 references in Mishna and Talmud (1st – 8th centuries CE); 350 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes (2nd – 16th centuries CE). According to Rabbi Meir in the Mishna it is "a unique creature, neither male nor female".[5]
>Tumtum (טומטום): A person whose sexual characteristics are indeterminate or obscured. 181 references in Mishna and Talmud; 335 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes. Rabbi Meir contrasts it with the Androgynus saying it is not a unique creation, "sometimes a man and sometimes a woman".[6]
Mfw i am tummygender
>Ay’lonit (איילונית): A female who does not develop at puberty and is infertile. 80 references in Mishna and Talmud; 40 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes.
>Saris (סָרִיס): A male who does not develop at puberty and/or subsequently has their sexual organs removed. A saris can be “naturally” a saris (saris hamah), or become one through human intervention (saris adam). 156 references in mishna and Talmud; 379 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes.[7]

Anonymous Comrade 52623

you mean in terms of not wanting someone to fuck your partner or in the sense that you're not a pussy, there's two meanings to that word

Anonymous Comrade 53144

I think a transhumanist is something way different.
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Anonymous Comrade  53167

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there's not gonna be any new wordfilters pretty sure

got the real question now, how to turn the youth lgbt, all letters at once, and make them have gender reassignment surgery at the age of 3?
i promote these ideas in our communist party through making them watch anime and act like a victim when the workers are calling me out for it, shaming them for fascism because i'm a hysteric transhumanist
i am super mad because the way too clever real communists figured out my plans and are on to me, how do i stop them???

Anonymous Comrade 53186

>and make them have gender reassignment surgery at the age of 3
I know how to make it so it happens at the age of 5, but I'm still researching how to make it at 3, I'll need 4 baby test subjects

Anonymous Comrade 53230

Most tranners in this day and age don't even get SRS lol.

Anonymous Comrade  53235

yeah but that's only because nowadays we use our pp as a weapon to attack women and girls in the bathroom with

Anonymous Comrade 53250

>trans pp attack

Anonymous Comrade 53257

I just really wish I had a direct chat or friend in real life to talk about LGBT stuff, but also sexuality and politics in general, I have a million questions about so many topics and I hate having to go through Reddit to make them, I just want a close friend to talk about this stuff for hours.

Anonymous Comrade 53260

an offline friend?

Anonymous Comrade 53261

Yeah, I guess I forgot to say I don't have friends in general, real or virtual, I only come to this place as of late and make and delete reddit accounts every now and then.

Anonymous Comrade 53262

people can be hard to deal with, you might end up liking the idea of friends better than having them, or end up dealing with that crushing feeling when they go again

Anonymous Comrade 53263

I've unfriended and befriended people multiple times, there was this one girl who I would "terminate" (aka telling her we should stop talking because I like being alone and not having to worry about talking to someone through chat and it makes me anxious) and then talk to after a few months, I did this like 3 times, she understood every single time, she was a nice person, but it made me realize how unstable I am, I don't know what I want, so I get what you mean. I want something more ideal than just a good friend, I want someone who fully understands me and can help me through life and discuss subjects with me in which they have much more experience with. I can see why some people become religious, certainty is great, but I can't put it on Jesus or God, I just don't believe in them (nor can I actually talk to them), I want either an alien, a magic being or whatever to become my friend and talk to me and let me vent out how I really feel.

Anonymous Comrade 53265

that is a tall order, can relate though

Anonymous Comrade 53268

I just feel really lost, especially these past few weeks, I'm a NEET, I help around the house when I can but otherwise I have plenty of free time, and I just become obsessed with watching videos and reading through articles of lots of different subjects, even if it's obviously reactionary stuff like Sophia Narwitz stuff, but I still feel anxiety over not watching it, I feel like I need to know what other people think so I don't feel like I'm trying to ignore reality.

I don't care what else she has to say about the LGBT community as much as a video about how the trans murder epidemic is fake, but I'm also very sensitive and having to sit through those videos makes me dread life, so I guess I'll use this post to ask a question: how real is the trans murder epidemic? I've heard it's a bit overestimated.

Anonymous Comrade 53273

it's as fake as any other minorities victimization(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

Anonymous Comrade 53277

Are you saying it as in "of course it's real" or as in all minorities victimization it's actually made up? I'm not for any side, I just wondered if you had an article I could look into.

Anonymous Comrade  53307

Slightly Mentally Impaired  53733

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Anonymous Comrade 53782

Why the filename, is it fake?

Anonymous Comrade 53796

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Archived for those who do not want to give money to the shitlib pro-NATO/pro-Quad rag known as Buzzfeed.

junko  54687

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I saw this just today where the police tried to cover up a transgender person being murdered by saying she was hit by a car. https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2022/02/10/family-demands-answers-after-transgender-woman-found-shot-to-death-near-overpass-in-channelview/

I don't trust police to record these things appropriately. You say an overestimation, well I would reason an underestimation. The amount of Black deaths >to police< was also underestimated. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)01609-3/fulltext

Similar: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/why-so-many-sex-worker-murders-go-unsolved-126492/

When it comes to media reporting on Transgender deaths I can only relate it to media reporting on disabled deaths as well. Many media outlets simply have no respect. https://www.thenation.com/article/society/disability-day-mourning/
What if the misgendering runs so deep that many murders are not even flagged and recorded as transgender deaths?
What if the family and police and media do not account for it. Collusion to backstab the dead.

junko  54688

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I remember trying to ~calculate~ the Transgender murdered rate years ago, I thought I had discovered a stumbling block that would delegitimize another community's suffering. All one can do is spread the real truhth after that and try and undo my past harms. You can't trust the media or police institutions to record these incidents appropriately. IT IS KNOWN regardless of that: that many transgender individuals experienced sexual assault in their life.

I bless that community for its troubles hopefully it will create good things in the world regardless. The strong who persevere. Can a Jew relate to that. I hope so.

Ascend.Create. Love. And I Love you. Be well tonight. HASHEM loves you. I love you THROUGH hashem. We will live in an unhateful world one day. Where this does not happen.

Anonymous Comrade 54692

Thank you for taking the time to respond even after such a long time, I'm the anon that asked the original question, I've watched the Sophia Narwitz video ever since, it basically supported itself on what you are doubting in your post: reported deaths overall, which were pretty low per year. You should watch it and tell me what you think about it.
The trans murder epidemic is a LIE

I can see it as a possibility that the police under reports trans murders, but I'm not sure where I really stand on the issue. She also brings up how it's being used by democrats to scare the LGBT community into voting for them (as in, you are unsafe, with us you will be safe), which I find to be kind of far fetched, if the trans murder rate is inflated compared to the real numbers I could see it as more of a case of a social panic rather than any malicious intent.

actually fucking retarded  54693

i question the motivation of giving any credit to the idea/insinuation by the usual people that a repressed minority is essentially supposedly making shit up

Anonymous Comrade 54694

Well, the implication would be that it's either used by political parties to basically scare the minorities into voting for them, or it's just a moral/social panic that people don't feel like discussing too much in fear of seeming transphobic, just looking at the current statistics (see Sophia's video) it really seems like it's the latter. I don't believe in the former at all, and to be honest I don't see many people using it as their main point compared to other stuff like the much more obvious discrimination trans people suffer in terms of the rights they have.

actually fucking retarded  54715

so then there is no reason to give this grifter any credibility, unless you think quoting numbers you're sourcing from extremely biased institutions which participate all in this discrimination is grounds for any kind of good faith discussion
this whole question is baseless and used for nothing but yet another right wing pulled out of the ass talking point of "see, transhumanists are not killed, the trustworthy boot is telling us so, praise the boot, let's join in licking it", usually follwed up by a slew of schizo propaganda of how the transhumanists are making shit up to subvert their christian western society
it's bullshit
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Anonymous Comrade 54721

I can see it as a case of under reported numbers, but regardless of the answer ( and this will continue to be a question for as long as those institutions are the ones people trust, and you will have to continue finding people like me that are made skeptical of either answer because of the difference in the results), this is never going to be some sort of excuse for transphobic behaviour, or a call to minimize the focus on trans issues. Of course the right sees it that way, but it doesn't have to be, the numbers could be inflated, or they could be under reported, either way we need to know.

actually fucking retarded  54728

the assumption that it could possibly inflated and to say that police does not underreport, when they do this every fucking time, is pretty telling

Anonymous Comrade 54740

I don't blame you for thinking Sophia might have an agenda, she does seem to be on the side of leftist that use all of their platforms and notoriety to shit on leftists, which doesn't necessarily mean she's right-wing in disguise, you can always wreck your own movement by being too self-critical and not focusing on the far larger danger that the opposition entails.
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Anonymous Comrade 54765

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>I don't blame you for thinking Sophia might have an agenda
She does appear to have an agenda - a Right-wing one. She seems to be a GamerGate supporter who has written for conservative websites like RedState and Daily Caller. Looking here (https://threadreaderapp.com/user/SophNar0747) granted, I don't see any explicit cop apologism but she does clutch her pearls as "le violent protesters".
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actually fucking retarded  54845

is "sasaki no miyano" good?
only saw a short mention of it and it seems to be BL anime

Anonymous Comrade 54997

Meanwhile in Cuba:
>The document is the result of many people who have studied the Cuban social landscape for a long time. It is not a text fabricated by a single-family or a single person, and it did not just show up over night as a fait accompli. “We did not shut ourselves in around a table to invent non-existent realities. Here all Cuban families reflected in one way or another,” the president of the National Electoral Council (CNE) Alina Balseiro Gutierrez explained.
>We are facing a revolutionary document, which includes changes of perspective in many aspects of our society’s daily life. It addresses family plurality and the right of people from the LGBTQ community to marry, opens new horizons to labor relations, and refers to the urgent attention that should be paid to the aging population.
>The text also opens new horizons to labor relations. It proposes regulations related to unpaid licenses for family responsibilities, which will benefit those people who are dedicated to the care of family members in vulnerable situations. This decision was taken into account due to the accelerated population aging in Cuba, and the shift of the main caregiver roles to women, who sometimes, by family decision, leave their jobs to devote themselves to this task.
>Each proposal in the Code shows how it will benefit all legal relationships in Cuban society. No one will be left behind. Families will be viewed in the plural, in accordance with the current diverse, plural, and democratic scenario. The text will add rights and will make visible family models that were not recognized until now, in a country that does not stop looking inside itself and thinking about its people, despite the adversities.

Anonymous Comrade  55145

germany about to pass a law for self determination
from 14 years up you are free to decide your gender and, without needed parental consent, even receive hormone blockers
i guess i should be happy for them
but i feel nothing but resentment and hate

Anonymous Comrade 55713

I just want some love but I am too afraid of people to say it to anyone
I don't want to have sex, just the love, but love always implies sex
I hate the human race and this culture surrounding love

Anonymous Comrade 56212

Any of you ever digged deeper into this claim? this is but one of many examples, obviously, but it's a pretty concise version of it https://www.edge.org/annual-question/2008/response/10670

Anonymous Comrade 56546

>Have wonderful boyfriend
>Cute, has strong interests(nuclear plants and OS design) that make him fun to talk to
>Personally responsible for getting me through bouts of depression and anxiety attacks
>He's becoming a porkie almost definitely after his dad croaks(sizable at that)
I simultaneously feel like a classcuck and like I have something special
He's literally the one person I've ever had a chance to relate to in my life(our backstories up to this point were strangely similar, to the point he calls me his "alternate self".)
Am I just being self-conscious over a fucking family business, or is this valid?
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Anonymous Comrade 56547

if he's a class traitor like engels there's no problem, and it's not like you're eyeing the wealth for yourself

Anonymous Comrade  56623

>i don't hate transhumanists, but
>also i like the homosexes! they're ok, totally!
and then, every time

Anonymous Comrade 56701

He's very pro-union, but apart from that I don't think he's lefty at all. The farthest I've got from him is thinking that market socialism was a good idea for utility companies.

!Vilci..jP. 56942

File: 1647556385925.jpg (27.78 KB, 287x299, 0h7.jpg)

Hmm, I mean, I've been in a similar situation, where I had a significant other who was politically different than me, but otherwise was very interesting and fun to talk to, in the same way as yours. And they helped me through a ton of terrible mental shit, as well.
But it turned out that I was just with them because they were interesting and had saved me, and therefore I felt like I owed them and was pretty lucky that the person I owed was pleasant.

But, a sense of duty and good talking points aren't enough, we still didn't have enough in common when it came to the important stuff. Didn't work in the end at all, even though it really looked like it would for years. We still stayed, like, best friends, luckily. We still are, years later, and I'm engaged to someone else entirely now who's much more like me.

But also, my situation is not necessarily in any way related to yours. I merely present it for contrast to see if that helps at all.

Anonymous Comrade 56982

In terms of personality, we're pretty much identical. They inherited a lot more of the sperginess than I did from genetics, so their breakdowns were(and are) far scarier than mine when they happen. Our sense of humor and ways of building things and people in our heads are extremely similar, so it's easy to explain things to one another than to anyone else. Our love language is pretty much the same as well, it's like that feeling you get when you shuffle a playlist and stare at the wall while sleep deprived. There isn't really a dynamic of "one saved the other" in our relationship, either, we did more or less equal greatness by each other before we were even romantically involved.

I suppose I might be too naïve to know what you mean by "the important things" in full, but this is how I interpreted it.

Anonymous Comrade 56984

As for how it started, I started having feelings for them first, and decided not to say anything because(as far as he knew) he was straight at the time(more like heteroflexible, as we'd find out). Then one day, he went out and said "Are you attracted to me?" I thought it was like an "eh bro" question, but I decided to come clean, and he said he thought that he had started to feel something he thought was attraction as well. It was awkward at first, but soon enough it turned into something more resembling traditional romance, and the physical attraction came to follow. For a time I started to doubt whether I was truly "into it" or if it was just a crush, but the more I thought about it and when I had to do some distance for beyond control reasons I realized I couldn't live without them, and I needed their love. From that point on, you could say things got serious.

I suppose knowing whether you're just experiencing a crush or if it's real love is whether you can pinpoint where the friendship and love start and end, and where they sort of blend with each other. If you're so starved of friendship in that area that you can't tell, then maybe you aren't ready.

Anonymous Comrade  58507

File: 1649676203193.jpg (54.05 KB, 960x540, 937a81a9421c8e1896bc41c4b91f02…)

>when you drop "LGBT" imperialist bombs because transhumanists are the powerful establishment
imagine having the power to bomb entire nations but can't even go take a piss in peace and talking about your existence is equated to fucking an infant
probably because "the worker" resistance is too strong
fuck lefty/pol/acks

junko  58584

the pic is fake

Anonymous Comrade  58600

should've mentioned that, right
of course it is, doesn't stop certain people to upload and share it at some places to "make a point"
a retarded point but they don't have anything else going for them

Anonymous Comrade  58606

File: 1649832237142.png (2.26 MB, 1200x5400, 6d1d866ea50c5497762e175af38c64…)

lol funny

Anonymous Comrade 58608

Did I miss something?

Anonymous Comrade  58609

no, i'm sure there is some very deep meaning and nuance communicated through those ebin maymays

Anonymous Comrade 58618

I think it's funny in how over the top the stereotypes are.

Anonymous Comrade 58980

So, here's what I meant. One one hand, ever since the second half of the Obama Administration, LGBT+ people have basically been conscripted to fight in the new cold war on NATO's side. The Neoliberals almost completely took it over, to the extent that you basically have to be a liberal or you will be shut out of the community. On the other hand, it seems like some parts of the Left are bound and determined to repeat the same mistake they made with Trans people that they did with homosexuality. They have this idea that everything from mid-20th Century was correct including the social conservatism and that the existence of LGBT+ people is some kind of Bourgeois conspiracy. The "anti-idpol left" share the same conceit as the liberals - that the working class is essentially backwards and incapable of improvement.

Anonymous Comrade 60622

I almost did the same due to internalized homophobia, saying shit like "I'm so fucking tired of all this idpol!" when someone literally asked for the mildest thing about trans people, and all the liberals that actually do only see working-class struggle in terms of race only reinforced this worldview. I yelled at the liberal SJWs for being so idealist, while viewing my "Conservative Marxism" as pure, enlightened; arrogant, I know. I started doing the typical idiot behavior of making racist jokes until they asked me to stop and then calling them SJWs after they did until they blocked me. After a while the egg finally popped and I realized I couldn't use that as a gate to deny my own gender non-conformity anymore, I alienated all potential friends, and I was just embarrassing those who did have the patience to stick around. Improving was a slow and very painful process, but I did.

To any one like me who was reading this, don't think that what you did before means you can't change now, even if not everyone magically accepts you after you do. Change so you don't hurt any more people. Change your behaviors so you don't hurt any more people. Maybe the former Strasserist story renders this one obsolete, but I still felt the need to tell it.

Akko 60642

>The Neoliberals almost completely took it over, to the extent that you basically have to be a liberal or you will be shut out of the community.
depends on the community. if you hang out with "respectable" cisfags who have gay marriages and white picket fences and golden retrievers then yes. but i hang out with mentally ill transhumanist adolescents on the internet, and let me tell you, these people would rip a cops trachea out with their bare teeth

Anonymous Comrade 61027

My dad went from being a soft leftist(supported Bernie in 2016) to hanging around my fascist uncle and now he talks like a conservative(talking about "leftists being the extreme Democrats") and all that. Fuck do I do?

Anonymous Comrade  61029

throw some insults his direction and break contact

Anonymous Comrade 61057

wish i was a cute girl, but also with a coc

Anonymous Comrade 61269

Same, dream about being my bf's wife but still wishing I could pull out the cock whenever needed to sate his urges, then just go back. Being fluid's a bitch, huh?

Anonymous Comrade 61347

File: 1654277126585.jpg (165.14 KB, 1694x1655, 1653319491135.jpg)

It's that time of year again...

Anonymous Comrade  61351

File: 1654289240968.gif (25.35 KB, 507x280, 1632889032033.gif)

it is. have fun, if you can.

Anonymous Comrade 61412

share first homo stories

>be me

>go to homosex site
>eventually talk to homosex from close
>meet the homosex at mc donalds
>sleep over at their place (2 dudes"
>play world of warcraft, watch movie, get drunk
>go home
>hang out some other times but nothing happens much
it was very homosexual though

Slightly Mentally Impaired  61418

That is pretty heckin gay

Anonymous Comrade 61811

File: 1654765779924.gif (938.23 KB, 500x345, kokone.gif)

does anybody else know the feel when the paranoia related to being a transhumanist in a shit family is killing them
i've been diying since 15, knew i was a troomer since 14 and while i had mental issues even before that, i feel like everything bad about me got exacerbated due to the stress i've accumulated over the years
i feel as though ive got dumber, more reclusive, less mentally stable
i hope i can get a little better when i go away for college and live on my own

Anonymous Comrade  61812

sounds about the same as i had
>i hope i can get a little better when i go away for college and live on my own
getting out of the situation and giving yourself your own space has a good potential of helping you get better, it'll always continue to be a struggle but you'll have more of a say in how you want to do things when you're becoming more independent.
so you got something to look forward to, it's not a guarantee but a good chance.
just stay honest with yourself and how you feel so you're not ending up like me, bullshitting your way around what needs to be done and what you really want. you owe it to nobody but yourself.

Anonymous Comrade 61814

File: 1654779761058.png (238.92 KB, 680x323, chaos transition.png)

thank you tomoko, i don't really know what happened but i hope you're doing well. i just hope i'm gonna be able to do my hobbies and the rest of the things i wanted to do but was unable to pursue due to the anxiety caused by not having privacy. i also hope that i can gather up the resolve to make some money and become financially independent.

Anonymous Comrade 61872

File: 1654922948054.jpg (204.89 KB, 1536x2048, __yasu_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni…)

I wish that there was an LGBT-focused imageboard. I'm not going on Reddit because I can't stand Redditors. I hate that almost all the alt-chans replicate the absolute worst of 8chan.
They would probably call me a "tankie", though.
I'll confess that I had a cringe "anti-SJW" phase as well.
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Anonymous Comrade 61876

File: 1654945000452.png (572.63 KB, 725x645, trollgepensieve.png)

remembering how i used to be a trans/homophobic rightoid and how my change in politics was mostly motivated by my sexuality makes me feel like a disgusting lizard person, even if i was a rightoid due to my enviornment.
there are some imageboards for that but they're either dead and i don't remember them or like tranchan where it's all just porn, whores and chasers
honestly, i'm probably going to check out mastodon and i recommend you do so too. i've heard that it's a noncancer social media platform

Anonymous Comrade  61878

just make them come here lmao

Anonymous Comrade 61885

File: 1654970636811.png (189.87 KB, 418x498, 1647461773732.png)

>tranchan where it's all just porn, whores and chasers
I looked at the network Tranchan is a part of a while ago, and it was the same fucking cancerous Alt-Right bullshit. Proves that chasers are never your friends. Fuck everybody who tolerates this cancer.
>i'm probably going to check out mastodon and i recommend you do so too. i've heard that it's a noncancer social media platform
Mastodon is software used by platforms, not a platform itself. Besides, I'm mostly used to imageboards but I guess the fascists have killed them off.
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Anonymous Comrade 61907

File: 1654988791635.png (13.96 KB, 698x127, bruh.png)

Didn't know what the term chaser meant so I went to Wiktionary and it's, uh, surprising how many things it apparently means.

Anonymous Comrade 61985

I know it's old as hell but if you're still here, can you explain where do these Kyung and Jangmi characters come from? searching for it on Google images throws some comics with lots of different artstyles, one of them took me to /co/ threads and there's a guy saying he created the characters and that he's some Australian and some stuff about internalized transphobia and Aboriginal people, really weird.

Anonymous Comrade 62151


Back in the day we had some pretty cool stuff going on - there was gaychan (an entire chan devoted to gay stuff), and before /hm/ and /lgbt/ there were the two 7chan boards /fag/ and /men/ (discussion and porn respectively)... also fapchan, which was just porn-oriented, obviously, but still pretty cool while it lasted.

Anonymous Comrade 62152

>I looked at the network Tranchan is a part of a while ago, and it was the same fucking cancerous Alt-Right bullshit.

Lol whatcha basing that on?

Anonymous Comrade 62747

bros it's homo day!

Anonymous Comrade 62752

You mean Dia de los Homos?

Anonymous Comrade 62780

Día de los Faggitos Bonitos

Anonymous Comrade 62788

Dia de los Bandidos del Asno

funny cat Anonymous Comrade  62915

File: 1656788806016.jpg (85.68 KB, 750x935, FMZ9xDJXsAA0YA-.jpg)

guys look at thius funny cat !!

Anonymous Comrade 62937

When people started using it I thought they were all talking about bugchasing (trying to get HIV on purpose) which had me really confused for a while.

Anonymous Comrade 62941


When I was growing up, it mostly meant chubbychasers - guys into fat girls.

Tenshi  63137

File: 1657212827456.png (8.33 KB, 187x269, images.png)

el culo bandito, senorito

Anonymous Comrade 63262

The feeling never goes away—if anything, it gives me a "mentor complex" of having to take similar people and guide them through their impulses so I can quarantine the process. Whether that's reasonable or unhealthy paternalism is beyond me.

Anonymous Comrade  63345

>want to use a bathroom
>get arrested after thugs beat you up
Living in burgerland must be fun

Anonymous Comrade 63356

this country fucking sucks

Anonymous Comrade  63361

this is the kind of situation that shows transhumanists need guns, could have shot his way out of there

Djinn-chan  63372

if you're a marxist and your top priority in gun debates isn't "how can we ensure that lgbts and women can prevent themselves from being raped or beaten or murdered by owning guns" then you cant really be called a leftist. only liberals debate over whether guns should be banned or shouldnt be banned without any consideration for the people who need them the most.

Anonymous Comrade 64540

Pretty much this, considering how they've been able to push the SBC scandal under the rug and yell "GROOMER GROOMER GROOMER" with almost no pushback whatsoever. Not only that, prepare for the wave of anti-gay hate crimes that'll be coming because the media essentially said that monkeypox is some kind of "gay disease."
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Anonymous Comrade 64915

Did any of y'all used to wear religious garb as kids to remind yourself that "gay bad?" I used to wear my rosary to school and pray during lunch all throughout the second half of sixth grade just so I could tell myself I didn't want to fuck one of the kids in my friend group(he rejected me, and honestly that was for the best because he believes in autogynephilia or whatever). Now I'm just fine with it.

Anonymous Comrade 64918

he believes in it as in he practices it or as in he believes that's what all trans people do

Anonymous Comrade 65379

He believes that all trans people are just living out a fetish. His humor shits on them whenever he gets the chance. There is a guy who was formerly in our friend group who outright went down the /pol/ pipeline(they caught him in a bout of depression), and he isn't much better on the topic. I've tried to nurse him back to sanity, but I don't know if it's doing well.

Anonymous Comrade  65383

wasted energy

Anonymous Comrade  65513

I’m a former /lgbt/ user and everything you’re saying is completely correct. It’s nothing but a den of self harm especially for trans women. The majority of people on that board are hurting badly, and a lot of them aren’t bad people who I have empathy for. I went down a rabbit hole because I felt like I didn’t have a place in the hyper positivity of mainstream online trans spaces. It was the only place I could vent my anxieties, and self harm is extremely addictive. I knew people on that board who are no longer alive in part because of its toxicity. Truly an awful place and I try to warn trans women against falling into the same cycle I did, the one that led to a suicide attempt and almost killed me.

Anonymous Comrade 65534

Back in the 8chan days there was this board intended for trans women called /mtf/. I used to post there a lot. It was a lot like Kindchan but for trans women. I hate how almost all the alt-chans do nothing but replicate the absolute worst of 8chan. I just wish that people would make an LGBT-themed imageboard but instead people feel the need to clone /pol/ everywhere they go.

Tenshi !!9VNSGr3ZJc  65590

/lgbt/ is just a sucidal circle jerk imo

Anonymous Comrade 65598


Yeah, it's the dumbest fucking shit. The /pol/ mentality leaked out onto every board on the site. Back in the day, 4channers didn't GAF if you were gay, like nobody fucking cared there. Now that being gay is widely acceptable, 4chan's gay board is people echoing the most extreme right-wing disinfo, the flimsiest bullshit imaginable, and acting like that's what "normal" is and like it justifies the stick they've got up their ass about dicks up their ass. It's so fucking stupid.

Anonymous Comrade 65703

back in the day normie meant people trying to push others into their own norms while acting hypocritical
today normie means anyone who isn't a retarded cult follower

Anonymous Comrade 65752

File: 1660509586146.png (141.7 KB, 299x288, hinamad.png)

it's another i hate my parents and wish to move out already episode. i wish i was the kind of person who could just throw everything away for independence but i need my fucking college degree
it's such a dumb place. i've gained a lot from browsing it (for the most part, hrt info, and secondarily i learned to read studies because i argued with /pol/tards and terfoids a lot) but i always hated how nearly everyone there just fell for the dumbest of spooks on purpose. i've left it because there was no one cool to speak to anymore, with most of the fun trips and anons having left and with /bmg/ being balkanized across several discord servers and twitter cliques because the motherfucking jannies have decided that having fun is bad as always

Anonymous Comrade 67056

My sister found out that her son has been e-dating this other boy for a year, and immediately started telling him that liking boys is a phase and that he's mistaking a friendship for love or some stupid double-standard like that. There's been enough video calls and screenshots between them that he's not likely a catfisher(though you can never be sure). I've known longer than she has since he confided in me(he knew I was bisexual myself), but to be honest I don't know what exactly to say, even though I know I should tell him something so he doesn't think he's the crazy one and start believing his mom. Advice?

Anonymous Comrade  67058

depends on the situtation, the people and kind of relationships
there's no good one answer, but in general it's probably safe to suggest that being supportive of the boy is the only correct line, it's just a question of how to do it

Anonymous Comrade 67062

Well, he's already quite set that he's bi/pansexual, and has been confident in that for a year, and told me about how he tried(with obvious results) to "pray the gay away". I agree with his mom that e-dating is inherently risky(even if the way she's saying it includes a double standard), but at this point I'm convinced that this person isn't trying to manipulate or exploit him(even help him sometimes—he tells me his boyfriend's a far more competent programmer than him). Apart from that, he's not trying to book a plane ticket and go meet him at this time(that comes much later, as I told him), so I don't see the issue even if it's "puppy love"—what's stopping him from getting a girlfriend later in life if he so chooses once he gets over it, then?

Anonymous Comrade  67064

boy is more likely to book it if the mother is being horrible about his sexuality

Anonymous Comrade 67069

Side note; what the fuck does "mixing up a friendship for love" while you're already dating even fucking mean? I've been thinking about it for a while and I don't even understand what she could mean by that.

Anonymous Comrade 67079

Well, you haven't said much about your sister, but judging from the whole post, my guess was that it goes hand in hand with her claiming it's just a phase for him to be gay, she is looking for excuses, no matter how much sense they make.

Anonymous Comrade 67085

She's easily the most religious out of all of us, and the reasons for that are beyond me. I'm certain she'll pull a "this isn't what they taught you in church" or something like that.

Anonymous Comrade  67087

religion is like a shortcut to bypass intelligent thought, people like that are usually lost causes until they hit a wall

Anonymous Comrade 67145

kill her
honestly, it's difficult to do anything at this point. now that his mother's found out, all he can really do is either tank her or lie about ending his relationship and being straight or whatever
i'd go for the second route, but it could strain their relationship a lot. i can't say much more than what other anons have said, be supportive of him, adapt to the situation based on whether he's going to face any danger of abuse (you should be prepared for the situation even if it's your sister) and work on getting through to his mom herself, if you're lucky she might stop doing this.

Anonymous Comrade 67177

>religion is ba

yeah try to go to /a/ and say moeshit bad
you will be killed by the mobs

Anonymous Comrade 67184

>people like that are usually lost causes until they hit a wall
I think COVID disproved that, given how the majority of American COVID deaths are probably those types, especially after the vaccines became available. All they've done is just double down on their stand-pat conservatism and it seems that nothing can break them. They just believe what they want to believe regardless of the death around them. If they win, they win but if they die, they also win because it means that they get to go to Heaven.
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Anonymous Comrade 67192

or, you could say it here, and be killed by me

Anonymous Comrade 67216

based taliban

Anonymous Comrade 67264

wait are talking about anime or religion

Anonymous Comrade 67718

They don't have that great of a relationship to begin with, but I don't know if that would make the second option easier or harder to choose for him. I don't know all of it(and I certainly don't know if I would have done any better) but early in his childhood they somehow made him feel like his only option was to kill himself instead of continuing to burden them with ADHD(they had talks with him about this, but the behavior that caused the feelings didn't stop).

Anonymous Comrade 67796

Somebody created a Leftypol counterpart to this thread on /siberia/. Of course, the TERFS, /pol/ raiders and "Economically Left but actually reactionary" crowd are doing their best to turn it into a shitshow.
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Anonymous Comrade  67804

File: 1662423032736.png (266.5 KB, 500x500, 42c5a8838438dda4c964ee5c91de67…)

i prefer not to engage with toxic garbage but it really fits that place well

Anonymous Comrade 67879

File: 1662507526117.png (327.7 KB, 1024x614, 37kep6tps2m91.png)

Dear Putin, Xi, Silicon Valley and the terrorists:
I heard a TERF say that you took down Kiwifarms. As busy as you are taking over the Internets and much as I'm grateful that Kiwifarms is gone, I'd rather be able to see a doctor without facing stiff bills, have decent public transportation, have a job that fits my skills and live in a place suitable for human habitation. Thank you!

Anonymous Comrade  67880

File: 1662507787426.png (93.98 KB, 338x333, 698e789056d80740f86e237acae636…)

>this is what these people actually believe
what the fuck


File: 1662511669442.jpg (96.59 KB, 896x896, 20220710_095126.jpg)

>9/11 of the Internet
Good grief, what a fucking clown.

Anonymous Comrade 67895

I won't tell you to check it out (I think that would be rude somehow) but on the whole it's better now than one or two years ago.

Anonymous Comrade  67898

better than "transhumanists are grooming kids to cut off 3 year olds dicks and give them hormones" being accepted as good faith "conservative comrades" arguments you had to accept?
what's next, the come and see the new and reformed kiwi farms with 10 % less open nazism apology tour? lol

Anonymous Comrade 67902

I know leftypol has had many fuck-ups

Slightly Mentally Impaired  67903

U R gay

Anonymous Comrade 67952

faggot retard

Anonymous Comrade  68012

just feeling like that this shit needs a more lasting place to be quoted in on GET:

The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo.

The criticism of religion disillusions man, so that he will think, act, and fashion his reality like a man who has discarded his illusions and regained his senses, so that he will move around himself as his own true Sun. Religion is only the illusory Sun which revolves around man as long as he does not revolve around himself.

It is, therefore, the task of history, once the other-world of truth has vanished, to establish the truth of this world. It is the immediate task of philosophy, which is in the service of history, to unmask self-estrangement in its unholy forms once the holy form of human self-estrangement has been unmasked. Thus, the criticism of Heaven turns into the criticism of Earth, the criticism of religion into the criticism of law, and the criticism of theology into the criticism of politics.

Anonymous Comrade  68014

File: 1662581522865.png (272.94 KB, 400x433, 6f785450468e16b662dade68de11e7…)

marxism itself is inherently anti religious and pro LGBT+ and this is not even a discussion but a plain to see fact for anyone not just looking for a convenient short quote that fits their emotional investment into their own reactionary social views, but the teachings of it as a whole, and any site that considers this an open debate is far from being leftist and completely detached from the standard of what a communist upholds today

the question is not how to accept reactionary views and incorporate them to be special edgy outcasts appealing to the most reactionary views a worker might hold, as if the most deranged nationalism of 1914 should have been the rallying cry for communists at that time, but how to clean that filth out of the movement and out of peoples minds by promoting their interests as a class,
not by inviting that sewage in to have them share their thoughts on how "identity politics is making social ownership icky because troons rape kids",
a place where this is made excuses for is not a place to have a good faith discussion on anything related to either communism or lgbt+ as part of it

religion and religious social ideas need to be done away with together with the conditions creating this abhorrent shit

Anonymous Comrade  68020

File: 1662582630247.jpg (48.15 KB, 640x580, FcBBxOpaMAA6Zxr.jpg)

Slightly Mentally Impaired  68029

File: 1662587677453.jpg (242.17 KB, 1920x1080, iQMFnXg.jpg)

Anonymous Comrade 68032

fuck you

Slightly Mentally Impaired  68033

Come over and do it yourself Coward

Anonymous Comrade  68035

ok religion apologist

Slightly Mentally Impaired  68037

Gay is gay.

Anonymous Comrade 68043

*BREEDS your stupid FAGGOT ass*
gottem *dab*


Slightly Mentally Impaired  68044

I don't do it with zoomers who still think dabbing is hip sorry

Anonymous Comrade 68045

ok old cunt

Anonymous Comrade  68742

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Anonymous Comrade 68759

Thanks for posting this, it sums up how I've felt for quite a bit. I'm tired of right-opportunists who would gladly sell out LGBT+ workers for Trumpoid labor aristocrats. As though "The Truckers" weren't a bunch of anti-Left chauvinists who would gladly give the Maupins and Hazes "free helicopter rides". I'm tired of NATO shills who wrap interventionism in the Rainbow Flag but would call the cops on any homeless LGBT+ person that turned up on the doorsteps of their gentrified apartments. Funny how there's always money to funnel to Neo-Nazi death squads but never enough to actually help LGBT+ people. I've always found it somewhat disturbing how willing Leftypol is (apparently out of some kind of anti-Reddit contrarianism) to defend relgion and Christianity in particular.

Slightly Mentally Impaired  68774

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Anonymous Comrade  68837

read that as Glimmer and was pretty confused

Anonymous Comrade 68838

la creatura de anglo

Anonymous Comrade 68935

File: 1663218444179.jpg (28.98 KB, 577x141, fuck it moment terf.JPG)

>obviously real trans people have planned it all out from the start
scrolling through these comments that this absolute banal story got in response i conclude this for myself with fuck these people, go suck astolfo dick you nazi conforming "trap" chasers

Anonymous Comrade 68936

read up on the story despite really not wanting to and it's all the same old anti trans tropes
should have expected nothing else after the "we gotta give credit to the terfs, they called it" bullshit this was first shared as here

Slightly Mentally Impaired  68982

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I like posting bridget to make people mad

Anonymous Comrade 68985

hot little girl:3

Anonymous Comrade 69832

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YFW the "Economically Left but actually reactionary" crowd end up malding and acting like a bunch of radlibs because Cuba legalized marriage equality.
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Slightly Mentally Impaired  69834


Anonymous Comrade  69842

who'd have thought that chauvinistic socdems don't really like socialism

Anonymous Comrade  69875

inb4 they support a color revolution backed by the USA and the Catholic Church

Anonymous Comrade 69886

if fdr got elected in 2022 these fags would all start saying that the usa is heckin' aes

Anonymous Comrade 70198

As time goes on the people around me(even those I thought to be reactionary beyond redemption) only become more radicalized.

That's sadly only on the economic side of things, though. My mom's still a homophobe, no matter how acute her understanding of imperialism is becoming. It wasn't an issue to begin with for most, though.
My mom's still homophobic, and even she's wondering whether she's on the right side after

Anonymous Comrade 70592

Political economy of Gay and Lesbian households

>hmm today i shall descend into insanity

new class just dropped - it's gay people

Anonymous Comrade 70675

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Just why the fucking hell does he insist on doing this? Does he even realize that he's basically ruining his legacy?

Anonymous Comrade 70761

Off-topic, but this reminds of the time I told my lib-ish boyfriend(used to be /pol/-ish but I've done enough to show him that was stupid) that the NPA was the first in the Philippines to have same-sex marriages and he just bawwed like "oh no Fox News gonna say gay = communism now ahhh"

They want to moan, give them a reason to moan

Anonymous Comrade  70790

judging by his face and dental care he never scored and is really bitter

Zeke Roa  70801

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Yikes. Implying that homosexuality is bourgeois is not a good take.

Anonymous Comrade 70908

File: 1665590104749.png (3.75 MB, 1932x2132, __furude_rika_and_houjou_satok…)

Are you saying that the warm tender touch of another man will end this and that he will go back to writing about techno-communism?

Anonymous Comrade  70915

i'm sadly about 15 years too old now to feel th at pathetic and self hating to seduce some [+ugly bastard], if only some young tight teen bussy would suck him off

Anonymous Comrade  70918

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This is a very sad but funny post.
I would have put it up on my wall if only I didn't want people to not think I'm weird.

Anonymous Comrade 71174

File: 1665954247611.jpg (22.27 KB, 616x347, FIlj84eaMAUTpz3.jpg)

So, Shay, I hear you finally got back on HRT. Where'd you buy it from?
>...if only some young tight teen bussy would suck him off
I was thinking somebody more his age.
Glinner's not an Anglo, he's Irish.
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Anonymous Comrade  71180

>I was thinking somebody more his age.
considering that he's an incel i doubt he has the mental capacity to realize he can't get anything that isn't as butt ugly as he is

Anonymous Comrade 71196

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As many as one desires. ~_^

Anonymous Comrade  71214

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Anonymous Comrade 71215

is that the documentary where irl soyjak interviewed a college professor about what gender is and kept asking retarded questions in an npc loop until the guy got angry and gave up trying to explain it to him?

Anonymous Comrade  71216

i don't even care to watch that type of stuff so no idea

Anonymous Comrade  71430

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does anyone else think about how attraction to minors is often specifically used to demonize and harass lgbt people, specifically trans people?

Anonymous Comrade 71432

i guess i do think about it quite a lot, what did you see recently that made you think about it?

Anonymous Comrade  71435

got into an argument about it a while back, not being around people who are so vehemently against the very concept has kinda made me consider it more

Anonymous Comrade 71462

consider what, that people use attraction to minors as a boogeyman for lgbt people or that it is a valid identity? i personally don't see what is exactly stopping all "paraphilias" from being as valid as any other sexuality, even if they are attractions to non consensual subjects

Anonymous Comrade 71485

if you didn't find out about the transhumanist litterboxes yet, i implore you to find out: The Truth About "Litter Boxes in Schools"

it's to make parents fear for their children, no matter how fucking retarded the idea is. i've generally stopped thinking about such things once i've stopped browsing /lgbt/ because now i don't interact with /pol/yps wanting to spark le debate on that board

Anonymous Comrade  71559

mostly that its a valid identity, well, "identity" anyways. theres just been such a kneejerk reaction to the idea in the community that trans people are less accepting of it than non-lgbt communities ive noticed

Anonymous Comrade 71560

yeah, it all comes down to the fear of what homophobes will take advantage of if the LGBT community even attempts to integrate it, i mean lots of figures in the LGBT community are as against pedos as the most punisher tier pedohunters and yet they are still portrayed as child molesters, i can only imagine how awful the propaganda would become if pedos were supported publicly by the community, it's all about optics.

Anonymous Comrade  71561

didn't get what's going on until >>71560
thing with pedos and lgbt is that there is no consistency with whatever "lgbt" community is itself and pedo is just thrown around as a slur for literally anything fearmongerers disagree with but can't come up with arguments against
shit's just fucked, nothing matters

Anonymous Comrade 71562

yeah was trying not to say the word pedo, ever since that one thread that became quite controversial

while the LGBT community isn't universal in their opinions they can definitely jump into bandwagons to protect themselves from the public opinion, like when that one college professor, who i think was trans, said we needed to support pedophiles, said something about child looking sex dolls, and i wouldn't expect many figures in the queer community to have defended them with those opinions, just to avoid any bad publicity

Anonymous Comrade  71563

with how prevelant death threats are with anything touching this subject and all kind of camps in US politics promoting the idea of infantilizing anyone under 25 now as "children", i don't think this is a take they'd be accepted anywhere
this "25" thing isn't even an exaggeration, i heard it from concern trolling TERFs arguing against when people should be allowed to transition, as well as bixesual libs who think it's creepy to find 20 year olds attractive,
all because of "the brain only finally matures at 25"
peak biologism, that ugly shit always raises its head when fascism manifests and taking hold of any bourg ideologues

Anonymous Comrade 71564

i've seen the argument many a times, yes, it's sad to see it be so common in left-wing spaces

and i'm not blaming any queer person for taking these stances publicly, it's just sad that a lot of progress will be delayed until a lot of old fucks in power die and the young folks still holding onto these kneejerk beliefs allow people to even discuss this without being crucified
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Slightly Mentally Impaired  71695

Be gay

Anonymous Comrade  71708

Am trying

Anonymous Comrade 71784

the butt sex seems like it would hurt (to my butt), but i would like to do the butt sex to a cute girl (boy)

Anonymous Comrade  71818

That sounds hetero(-flexible, at most)
I'd suck a dick and I'm hetero

Anonymous Comrade 71830

how is that not just bisexual? i guess i'm not really attracted to the idea of even a really nice looking guy fucking me (or even better, a girl with a cock fucking me), but i can get aroused by seeing porn of a guy with a nice looking body fucking a girl, and the fact that he has a nice body is definitely part of the arousal it produces in me, not just the girl itself, though i don't know if it's self inserting, me fetishizing the male body itself, which means i'm kind of attracted to it, or just association with male bodies with sex, or whatever

but yeah, i don't get sexual arousal out of imagining someone fucking my ass, sucking a cock sounds kind of hot if it's a really hot girl, but letting her peg me or getting fucked by a futa doesn't sound hot

Anonymous Comrade  71868

Just because you are after another guy's cock doesn't mean you can't be hetero.
Here https://www.healthline.com/health/heteroflexible it says,
>the definition of heteroflexibility can also fit into the definition of bisexuality
Looking at orientation as a scale from hetero to homo, it'd sit at the borderline between bi and hetero, strongly leaning to opposite-sex attraction. Or it's just a shorter way to say "Bi but far more into the girlish". But I dunno, I just picked up the label today (after having totally decided I'd suck a dick if it was attached to a qt) so I'm not trying to sell anyone on it or nothing. Also I just like the term flexible. It's like I might be more or less gay tomorrow and that's ok.
Now, on the cock issue, it seems porn is inundated with them, gangbangs and so on are extremely common. Several years ago, I've seen a talk (at Google) by a man called Ogi Ogas. I barely remember any details of it but what I got from it was that like everyone is into penis. I'm not sure where I'm going with this but there's definitely something weird going on there.

Djinn-chan  71952

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i got my hrt from inhousepharmacy as i did before. ive bought enough to last half a year or so before i need to refill. it's been nice but im hondosing on purpose just so that the effects are less obvious and it'll take longer for anyone to notice.

Anonymous Comrade 72099

Decided to post this here so it doesn't get drowned out by the Gorkyposting and TERF apologism on Leftypol:

Hot take: the purpose of homophobia and transphobia is to regulate and control the sexuality of the lower classes. Social conservatism and capitalism have historically gotten along very well because the social conservatism reconciles the lower classes to capitalism. They are expected to comply with austerity, make sacrifices to Capital, create new consoomers and workers and are not to be allotted any type of freedom*. This is why "Conservative Marxism" is simply an oxymoron.
*= in the Marxist sense, not the American Conservative sense.

Seleri 72280

Anonymous Comrade  72314

no actually if i am very selective about my data i can totally prove that all LGBT is booj,
except for L actually because it makes my weener go big

Akko 72341

not that hot of a take. capitalism needs to self-reproduce; so members of a capitalist society have to reproduce; specifically, workers have to ensure the pool of labor is large enough for the capitalists needs, and each generation must be larger than the last.
it makes sense that, while the liberal bourgeois are happy to incorporate lgbts as long as they get legal marriages and adopt orphans, the conservative wing is worried that any amount of lgbt acceptance will reduce the number of repressed, terrified workers trapped in loveless heterosexual marriages where they could potentially pump out more babies. (this is also why they hate abortion.)

Anonymous Comrade 72386

It kind of is when you're dealing with pathological contrarians whose reason for opposing LGBT+ comes down to "Stalin said so."

Akko 72408

hey, if you had asked me beforehand, i would just have told you to get off of /leftycringe/.
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Anonymous Comrade 72456

a lot of this boils down to what are at the root material questions
transitioning is a healthcare issue
marriage is an issue of forming a family and passing your legacy on
abortion, likewise a healthcare issue
very much an economic question not to mention job and housing discrimination towards them

Anonymous Comrade 73859

This is the apt understanding. While class warfare is very much real, the people at the wheel are still reliant on material reality. Sexuality as such is just too slippery, this is also why we see both scenarios in OPs post albeit slanted: the pink bourgeois are well protected and legislated, while pink proles suffer and are dependent on representation by those same bourgeois - who then set the agenda and form the public image.

Anonymous Comrade  74807

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Anonymous Comrade  74808

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Anonymous Comrade  74809

every day leftypol continues to exist is an insult to socialism
an insignificant petty insult, but an insult

Anonymous Comrade  75032

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On one hand, I can almost see where that person is coming from, but on the other, they aren't really in a position to be criticizing the right here, considering they're pretty much eating up the usual fashy rhetoric, falling for it hook line and sinker.

The left is a fucking mess. How can we possibly hope to ever accomplish anything (or at least anything good) with how horrifically disjointed we are?

Anonymous Comrade 75547

thoughts on this article? the site is the blog of a famous atheist apparently (Jerry Coyne), which is pretty sad

also is sex actually a spectrum or only gender is, what's the official opinion on this

Anonymous Comrade  75580

It's a question.

Anonymous Comrade 75598

class politics against all manners of chauvinism
a national mass org of progressive forces in society (unions, parties, other associations)
directing mass anger appropriately
building of red guards
building parallel institutions based on mutual aid and recallable delegates from the people
possibly including other participatory mechanisms and sortition from randomized voter pools
democratization of business and production as well as all other facets of society
this kinda trailed off but these are some ideas

Anonymous Comrade  75647

booj atheists are some of the dumbest around,
like dawkins or that zionist asshole from yankeeland
they rival their theist counterparts with their smug idiotism

Anonymous Comrade 76592

its definitely more complicated than just "Male/Female/Intersex" but im not actually sure exactly how much of a spectrum it is, its a complicated and under-researched subject

Anonymous Comrade 76609

Wrote an extensive post on this, but I think it's beating the point.
1) Coyne, as well as other interlocutor of OP as well as many, many other researchers, fail to acknowledge if not realize that the "sex" question (and gender too) takes place in a specific, social context. All this bla-bla about definitional realism and sciencivitism is itself a contamination of Science by engaging in their very line of argument.
2) Tomo already said this, but more succinctly.

Anonymous Comrade  76729

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Kuwait now has homophobic signs on every street.

Anonymous Comrade  76730

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that's so weird, i thought the gay agenda is controlling the west, why aren't they getting freedommed yet?
could it be that this entire globohomo bullshit is just a fascist lie? it couldn't possibly be

Anonymous Comrade  76745

tomo you should be thinking more about the important people and less about the fascist rhetoric.
This very public homophobic stunt by the kuwaiti government is unprecedented in the Gulf.

Anonymous Comrade  77410

I am globosexual
I fuck the entire planet

Djinn-chan  77721

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saddam hussein actually invaded kuwait to bring lgbt rights to the country but the usa came to their defence

Anonymous Comrade 78400

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Anonymous Comrade 84725

Had that conversation with a borderline family member about my gender and the situation improved massively; they've actually started to show me full respect now. I prepared for the worst, though.

Anonymous Comrade  84727

how did things improved, what's the situation and what were your contingency plans?

Anonymous Comrade  84742

Also what is a borderline family member?
>having a contingency
Man, this sounds hard, I've never done anything but wing it.

Anonymous Comrade 85317

"Borderline" as in they're kind of supportive of me, at least far more than the openly transphobic members, but still have a few brainworms that they haven't self-criticized yet.

Anonymous Comrade  85620

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Found what keeps me awake :(

Anonymous Comrade 85622

i'm so sorry if this is a personal fear of yours (i know there's like two AK-47 posters, i think, one of them living in the Middle East, is that you?), i didn't want to continue reading the article after the part where it gets into her relationship with her parents, really don't need to read something so depressing today

Anonymous Comrade 85647


Anonymous Comrade  85649

I understand. It's a disturbing story. What happened to her is nothing short of torture. I still can't believe how she was forced to return to saudi arabia and locked in with her family. She was strong enough to continue getting HRT even when her family continued abusing her.
She was murdered. I wish the sons of bitches that kidnapped her in the US get to taste the torture they put her thro.
afaik there have always been only one regular ak-47 poster. Yes I happen to live not too far from where eden left us
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CEO 85655

That's very fucked up. Hurts my heart.

Anonymous Comrade 85790

My mom's already making my sister say stuff like "I won't let them brainwash me" in response to gay people even being *mentioned* in her elementary school.

I've already told her that I don't think there's anything wrong with it(to my mother's chagrin) but ultimately I don't have any control over her life. Is there anything I can do?

Anonymous Comrade 85792

This has long been one of my worst nightmares. Never forgive, never forget.

Anonymous Comrade  85810

what i do is cut people like that out of my life
i do that quite a lot anyways but that's something that makes me drop family

Anonymous Comrade 86287

>My mom's already making my sister say stuff like "I won't let them brainwash me"...
She's probably learning about how the Earth was created 6000 years ago in seven literal days, that is, when she isn't learning about how White Christians are the greatest people to ever be thrust upon the world.
>What can we make of the tendency of Westerners to flippantly regurgitate the accusation of “brainwashing” against another country and its people, but then display indignation when that same allegation is made about their own?
>American: You can’t imagine the scope of Chinese propaganda, everyone’s brainwashed.
>Non-American: Almost every single Western news network and print publication is part of a US-run propaganda program. Any exceptions are ruthlessly harassed and shut down.
>American: That’s absolutely ridiculous! We’re free!
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Djinn-Chan  86380

>they raided her shit, took her hrt, and kept her locked up for long periods of time to force her to detransition until the pain was too much to bear and she killed herself
i dont like the parallels between her and myself...

Anonymous Comrade  86383

She kept fighting and she kept sneaking HRT again in Saudi fucking arabia. Not the US. All while her family treated her like shit. Once her family caught her HRT again, she didn't want to continue on the nightmare she's been living and there was nobody to reach out to in her place.
It's really horrible what has happened to her and what your family is doing to you rn but the only way is to fight it. You're really strong. Coming this far takes a lot.

Anonymous Comrade  86450

>You're really strong.
This, Djinn is a Djinn, after all.

Anonymous Comrade 86643

I made a copy of a post I found on Leftypol about a trans person leaving the US due to the rising anti-Trans sentiment:

Anonymous Comrade 86877

thoughts (on the news not the retard and also on the WPATH)

Anonymous Comrade 86887

well, the account obviously is, so seems to be the guy he's quoting, but the two images and the news of how one of the biggest associations of trans medicine is being supposedly dropped left and right are what i don't know about

Anonymous Comrade  86904

footage of the radical trans ideologues forcing a young child into their cult that doesn't even have object permanence

Anonymous Comrade  86905

ah shit that's wrong, those guys are the revolutionary allies of the sane real communist left, epic and based comrades from the kprf could have told me, my bad

Anonymous Comrade 86932

File: 1680287923825.png (117.07 KB, 372x351, 1655862340083.png)

>those guys are the revolutionary allies of the sane real communist left
Just like J.K. Rowling, Ron DeSantis and Steve Bannon! Everybody knows that upper-class British women and fat American labor-aristocrats driving monster trucks with Trump stickers plastered all over them are the TRUE vanguards of the Proletariat!

Anonymous Comrade  86933

rowling actually started to quote tweet the revisionist party of britain among with her other right wing friends, and now they're "quoting" marx and just go full retard in turning what they said 180 to argue their biologism

Anonymous Comrade 86976

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Anonymous Comrade 86977

uwu trans

Anonymous Comrade 87025

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Here's more. Meanwhile, Haz on suicide watch because he found out that China wasn't the Trad country he thought it was.

Djinn-chan  87048

In many many many countries, being traditionalist isnt inherently transphobic. In china specifically, eunuch bureaucrats in the emperor's court were normal for a long time. Abrahamic gender was a historical anomaly and there's even 7 genders listed in the tanakh. Transphobia is not traditionalist, it is moralist.

Anonymous Comrade 87119

>eunuch bureaucrats
Does not count. It was usually a punishment for rebels, criminals, and their children and they were considered to be still male

Anonymous Comrade 87166

No, thankfully she's not THAT fundamentalist. It's just the terrible LGBTphobia across the board(except maybe she has a mild double-standard for lesbians based on her statements of "it's different for girls" but I never made sense of that).

Anonymous Comrade 87694

My parents are increasingly consuming right-wing propoganda on LGBT people and discussing them with my fascist uncle(I mean "openly discusses Great Replacement" fascist). My sister still lives with them, and I'm on my way out, but I'm scared. They already found out I like men and if they found out I was trans I'm 30% they would physically harm me somehow[I managed to brush off earlier discussion as 'I thought about it in Middle School, it's not worth it' but that was a year ago] if they found out I still was. What the fuck do I do?

Anonymous Comrade  87695

cut yourself free, don't let them know where you are, get protection

Anonymous Comrade 87854

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While the "Enlightened" countries are discussing taking away rights from Trans people, Socialist Vietnam moves ahead, along with China and Cuba.

Anonymous Comrade 87855

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I have to remind myself that capitulation is not an option. Even if I pretended to be straight, even if I pretended to be cis, they would find something else to complain about, that I'm "weird" or "too lazy"(even if fighting off depression) or something entirely different.

I need to surround myself with the people that love me before I become the people that hate me. There is no other option.

Anonymous Comrade 88133

care to explain

Anonymous Comrade  88136

if i had to guess and it'd be a stretch that's about some chinese news reporting on anti lgbt shit going on in the US and pointing it out as human rights issues

Anonymous Comrade 88152

oh i remember that, i think it's literally this post >>87025

i mean, cool, i guess, unlikely to mean anything for the party as a whole, if at all

Anonymous Comrade  88158

there was some other stuff going on i think, with youth orgs or whatever, but i only remember too vaguely to find anything

Anonymous Comrade 88416

i hope you stay true to yourself

Anonymous Comrade 88484

IIRC, China also has free HRT clinics as well, where all you have to do is show your ID. All in all, the future for Trans people is certainly brighter than that of their British and American counterparts.

Anonymous Comrade 88491

found this article by searching for that, apparently the first HRT clinic was opened in 2021, this article also talks about the problems the trans community faces in China https://time.com/6261675/china-transgender-hormones-black-market/

Anonymous Comrade 88524

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TERFs mint themselves "Medals of Valour" to remind themselves of the time when they were casted into the Woke Facebook Gulags.

!Vilci..jP. 88542

You'd think that they'd feel oppressed enough already without having to make stuff up, in a post-Roe v. Wade world, but here we are I guess.

Anonymous Comrade  88594

turds are antifeminists and ugly as shit,
everything they do is score some points with other right wing unfuckable permavirgins
but when they look at each other naked they realize there's nothing that will ever bring them sexual pleasure, so their shriveled up useless uterus is their only obsession, they want to brag about having one and how they totally could put it to use if they wanted to,
but abortion rights are about as far detached from their virgin life experience as it gets, so they don't care or even are against reproductive rights being put into the peoples hands that are sexually active
pure envy and spite on their part, like everything in far right politics
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Anonymous Comrade  88610

just saw this an think it's interesting
since she's working for the state i have no sympathy

Anonymous Comrade  89195

some queer website reported a priest had sex with a 16 yo for money and refered to the 16 yo as a "sex worker"
now everyone else is spinning the story around how it's evil pedophile queers using that word and how 16 year olds are "children"

while a priest
fucked a 16 year old
by itself not even necessarily illegal
but paid for it, making it illegal
which should be the story
it was the priest doing the fucking, not the reporting website

Anonymous Comrade  91010

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A Saudi non-binary person just got released after serving a year in prison.
Tariq was coerced to give up his private phones and personal accounts on twitter, snapchat and whatsapp after he was arrested.

So what was Tariq arrested for you might ask?
The answer is Tariq once had a bad experience with a cop. This cop thought he looked androgynous said "I couldn't tell if you were a man or a woman" that's why Tariq got pulled over. Tariq told about this story without mentioning names or locations and shared it in his twitter account (see pic related that's also how he looked like when he was pulled over)

During the interrogation Tariq was promised to be released if he gave up the passwords to his phones and personal accounts, which he did. Little did he know that all the information he had would be sent The Public Persecution to investigate him. The public persecution found nothing solid but that didn't stop them from giving him a year sentence for the following crimes:
- Stirring up public opinion
- Stirring up strife
- Contempt of Islamic teachings
- Contempt of the flag
- Sympathizing with prisoners
- Possessing homosexual media (of himself and others) in his phone's gallery
- Promoting the rights of homosexuals

Tariq is in the US now. Telling the story of how he got locked up in solitary confinement
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Anonymous Comrade  91011

forgot to include Tariq's vid on the matter.

CEO 91039

That's incredibly fucked.
can you give a short translation of what he is saying in the video?


File: 1687155106625.png (61.8 KB, 535x318, tv head.png)

my first kiss was with a guy when I was like 7, he didn't think it was serious and laughed it off
I recently just found out that he is in a bi relationship
I must be petty cause I'm a lil jelly

I should've been riding his dick for miles before I was even 18, my fate has been altered by malicious gods I swear

Anonymous Comrade  92329

doesn't stound petty to me, is kinda cute

Anonymous Comrade 92364

i agree, very cute gay

Anonymous Comrade 93116

gay babies

Anonymous Comrade 94589

Most painfully liberal shit you've heard from a person you respected.

Told a friend that the NPA was responsible for the first gay marriage in the Philippines and he started seething because "this gives the conservatives ammunition"

Anonymous Comrade 94617

i don't really have any people in my family that i respect all that much, they are all standard reactionary third world working class people, so i don't blame them for not knowing about anything to do with queer people

i guess there's my cousin, she's young so she's also a bit more progressive than other relatives, but recently she said she agreed that little kids could get confused if "gender ideology" was introduced in our textbooks, and i haven't really researched the topic all that much, so i don't know exactly what she's worried about, but i thought she wouldn't say stuff like kids might get "confused"

there are multiple controversies surrounding the new textbooks we are getting here in México, and grouped alongside grammar errors, poor maths and supposedly having propaganda that speaks positively of the current political party, there are also fears of inclusive language and some gender stuff they are adding too, i don't know enough about my own country honestly, but i'm sure some bigots are using this as an opportunity to attack queer people

Anonymous Comrade 95142

One of my IRL accquaintances(I don't see them often enough to call them a friend) has used the "Imperialism = queer rights" argument in my presence. I don't even know where to begin. I'm not saying this as an emotional vent nor a rhetorical question; how does one attack this viewpoint? I suppose the conservative interests groups pushing mass anti-trans legislature that even conservative voters don't care about is one thing, but then I think I'd get the "business and government are different" rebuttal.

Anonymous Comrade 95148

Tell this person that if the imperialists actually cared about LGBT+ people, they would not sell weapons to countries like Saudi Arabia, Hungary and Poland or threaten LGBT+ people that refuse to collaborate with them with outing.

Anonymous Comrade 95818

File: 1697872711883.png (Spoiler Image, 328.53 KB, 747x533, a.png)

Warning: suicide

I've seen this right-wing account multiple times being retweeted posting the dumbest shit, at first I thought they were just another of many edgy but harmless shitposters, but they just posted this yesterday. Literally just a screenshot of a mother talking about her transgender son who committed suicide, nothing else, and the comment section is filled with the worst shit I've ever seen, and the poster clearly knew the kind of stuff his followers would post, and he most likely agrees with every single one of them. I don't even know why I'm sharing this, I don't even know if it's a real story, but the way everyone responded shows that real or not everyone in that comment section deserves to be killed. It's just awful, I think I just want to feel less lonely in this anger.

Anonymous Comrade 95819

the GETchan administration firmly stands with the belief that these people should be talked to and have revolutionary potential when they join a socialist cause.
you have to be open to them.
as our dear leader and host says it seems that transhumanists are all far too sensitive and overreacting.
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Anonymous Comrade 95822

Your irony reminds me of someone that no longer posts here. Hope you are taking care, whoever you actually are.

Anonymous Comrade 97633

this is fucking depressing

Anonymous Comrade  97635

ever since elon bought twitter the site has gone to shit.

Anonymous Comrade  97636

that isn't how bisexuality works

Anonymous Comrade 97643

Twitter has always been shit.

Anonymous Comrade 97668

true, he did unban a shit ton of accounts owned by far right psychos and moderation is definitely more lax now (and he is feeding his ego by appealing to the right-wing part of his fanbase), but i was easily able to find Nazis in twitter before he bought the site, accounts and communities filled with the most awful people that somehow kind of just existed without anyone reporting them


yeah, the communities always existed, just isolated in their own little claves where they rarely meshed or interacted with each other. Musk promotes them partially because they have a lot of overlapping beliefs, partly because they will uncritically suck his dick unlike libs who did eventually turn on him.

Anonymous Comrade  98269

yea, just (somehow) worse under elon

Jo 98436

Hi. I support human rights and respect those who are different from me. I strive to defend those who are disadvantaged, oppressed, denigrated and slandered. That’s why I respect and support LGBT and MAP people. Justice will prevail!

Zeke Roa  98454

File: 1706415175784.jpg (53.46 KB, 729x1095, rin_tezuka_by_wolfifi-d9aq43l.…)

This isn't the place for baiting, friendo.

Jo 98457

Didn't understand. What kind of baiting are you talking about?

Zeke Roa's phone  98463

MAP stands for Minor Attracted Person, correct?

Anonymous Comrade 98466

This person is an obvious troll. Debating them in good faith is pointless. Also, I don't think it's a coincidence that there a thread on Leftypol about GETchan and then this troll, that is an obvious caricature of what Leftypol thinks GETchan users are is posting here.

Zeke Roa  98468

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Yeah, I figured as much but have had bad experiences when jumping the gun on bans on Ponychan and wanted to at least hear what they have to say before issuing a ban, but after seeing the similar posts mentioning pedophilia, "ageism", and "pedophobia", it becomes obvious that this guy is a shitter. Ding ding bannu.
Also I didn't know about the post on /siberia/, since I don't lurk that board very often
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Anonymous Comrade  98488

It's more like "Minor Attracted Pedo"

Anonymous Comrade 98492

Hey uhhh someone in the leftypol thread said Tomoko is dead, that's not true right?

Anonymous Comrade  98493

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bear 98495

Tell them to fuck off. I know she posts on other forums, but the chances of people knowing where that is zero to none. Therefore, there is no way to confirm something stupid like that.

Slightly Mentally Impaired  98498

No, she's happily married.

Anonymous Comrade 98502

i'm just effectively banned
i can't say shit that i want so i'm not gonna say anything at all

and please
shut the fuck up about me
who the fuck even cares, get a life

Anonymous Comrade 98514

I just didn't want you to be dead, chill

Anonymous Comrade 98515

well i hope that changed your mind

Anonymous Comrade  98517

Anonymous Comrade 99112

>Around that time i became pretty infatuated with being a cute anime waifu. I know it sounds dumb as fuck but i wanted to be a cute anime gorl and i was too young to think that was cringe. I was really obsessed with the aesthetic of it.

Why is everything called cringe when kids want/do something?

We have grown ass men and women buying plastic surgery out the wazoo and it fails and theyre not called cringe.

Anonymous Comrade 99113

Protestantism is the white mans version of zionism

Anonymous Comrade 99134

I think it's passed down from older generations' criticisms (and just overall entertainment out of making fun of "the kids") of younger generations, they were made fun of by their own older generations and they feel like they should be able to do the same. The younger generations in turn see these criticisms and start to be self critical based on not only what old people find too cringe or weird about younger generations but also young people are not a monolith so even among themselves they call each other cringe or "too much" based on cultural and ideological differences.

I do think there's extremely inoffensive and harmless things people are too harsh on themselves for having done/doing in their youth, everytime I see a young person saying "I'm trash/cringe/weird/pretentious for liking this/being this way" I want to tell them "no, you just like a thing, don't be ashamed of innocuous shit"
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Anonymous Comrade 99145

society pathologises youth for the slightest nyance and then wonders why kids are susceptible to peer pressure.

Adults tell kids to be creative and then mocks them for being creative.

Anonymous Comrade 99159

Is homosexuality false and Pavlovian psychology in “straight “ porno confuses people into thinking they are attracted to the opposite sex genitalia? Although I understand this phenomenon existed even in 17th-century France, ancient Rome and Greece , and in other place in medieval Europe.
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Anonymous Comrade 99166

I think there are cases where it's more environmental and more "innate" in others (and even then what causes this innateness and if there are multiple causes is not fully understood), some people can definitely develop sexual fetishes out of porn consumption that they didn't intend to develop, were not aware of or didn't have to begin with, but I think some people don't need that at all and are just more attracted to things "innately" (again, this is just the word we use when other factors are accounted for and there's no other explanation, so we just go by "born gay" for a lack of a better term)

I think with the right conditions people can be attracted to anything, but that doesn't mean some people didn't need porn at all to become gay or whatever.

Anonymous Comrade 99167

Most gay sex is just men not having convenient women to fuck.

And its always the straight guys whom initiate or consent to gay sex.

Anonymous Comrade 99171

Those seem like very broad generalizations.

Zeke Roa  99387

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>Most gay sex is just men not having convenient women to fuck.
>And its always the straight guys whom initiate or consent to gay sex.
Did you come from /r9k/ or /pol/ to spread this nonsense?

Anonymous Comrade 99389

Since february or so there's been some new anons, don't know how many of them, with vague social politics that resemble the right sometimes and a lot of complaining about generational divides (boomer, millenial and gen z stuff), don't know where they came from or how they all seemed to come at the same time.

They also talk about and post a lot of stuff from various other and awful lefty imageboards, so they might also have terminally online brainrot.
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Anonymous Comrade 99390

File: 1709077654160.jpg (118.87 KB, 850x1200, __original_drawn_by_inami_hato…)

>Since february or so there's been some new anons, don't know how many of them
I think it's the Leftypol poster Newgene; I can recognize his writing. He's probably banned from Leftypol or something so that's why he's come here.
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Zeke Roa's phone  99391

I know at least one of them is Newgene, but given the references to Leftychan lately, I figured the others were from there. When I mentioned /r9k/, I was referring to Leftychan's /r9k/ since they have one for some reason

Anonymous Comrade 99454

Lets be honest: the welfare of LGBT folks is gravely dependent on the cishet welfare.

If cishet people are not getting their their slice of the pie, theure not gonna allow LGBTQ folks to have theirs either.

TERF and alt right are motivated primarily by lack of sexual/romantic opportunity.

Anonymous Comrade 99456

>the welfare of LGBT folks is gravely dependent on the cishet welfare
yeah that's how minorities within a majority work

Anonymous Comrade 99486

anyone else notice how quickly certain threads were deleted by certain someone who was insistent on leaving anti lgbt shit up for months on end
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Anonymous Comrade 99492

Would you guys be willing to find LGBT romance in an alternate reality?
Kinda like BL/GL/yaoi/yuri kind?

It seems more efficient than wanting love in this reality.

Anonymous Comrade 99494

what threads? did it happen overnight?

Zeke Roa's phone  99496

Can you provide us some examples?

>It seems more efficient than wanting love in this reality
How so?

Anonymous Comrade 99499

In anime reality, people are more attractive, more sincere, have talents, amd awesome sex drive.

Yea sure they have their flaws but theyre easily resolved.

Real life people?
Ugly in looks, personality, amd hygiene.
And in our postmodern society, skillsets are declining.
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Anonymous Comrade 99516

>I guess there's my cousin, she's young so she's also a bit more progressive than other relatives, but recently she said she agreed that little kids could get confused if "gender ideology" was introduced in our textbooks, and i haven't really researched the topic all that much, so i don't know exactly what she's worried about, but i thought she wouldn't say stuff like kids might get "confused"

They aid the same thing about "Critical Race Theory".

IMO, things like race and gender should not be exempted from little kids.
Children have a right to know about what goes on in the world. The problem with modern society is people are too obsessed with "innocence."
They care more about keeping kids "intact" for moral convenience. This is why schools have peer pressure and bullying. And arrested development.

If children are only valued for their innocence, they will always be vulnerable and turn into incompetent adults.
We need to grow out of this mentality.
I think its why people are so prone to reactionaryism.
Too many people are motivated by nostalgic sentimentality.
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Anonymous Comrade 99520

These guys are stuck in premature midlife crisis. Chances are theyre 25-40 and are butthurt about missing out on youthful romance and teenage misadventures that they saw in movies.

Their real problem is they were never socialised. Its not so much their sexual orientation. This is unfortunately the modus operandi of postboomer politics.

Zeke Roa's phone  99644

Have you been hanging out on Wizardchan and similar places?
Even if you were in an anime, there's no guarantee you'd be the main character, which means you'd still have no bitches
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Anonymous Comrade 99660

Wizardchan? Whats that?
Ans who cares about if Im the main character or not? Side characters always get lovers too.

Again, in anime, everyone, even side characters are good looking and nuanced and virtuous.

Western animation has everyone looking and acting butt ugly.

Anonymous Comrade 99812

Besides being ostracized by society, what do homosexuals and transexuals have in common?

Anonymous Comrade 99820

They wanna adapt the chivalric bullshit from heterosexual romance into their own lives.

They also are used by cishet folks whom are unlucky in their own market.

Anonymous Comrade 100126

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A brief article about Trans rights in Germany. Even a socialist country that dissolved over three decades ago is more progressive than most of the Enlightened West. Compare to how it is today, where we all have to defer to reactionaries Just Asking Questions.

Anonymous Comrade 100685

Sadly a lot of fash and even normie right-wingers are using this as an example to bash trans people. Weimar Germany was unironically super progressive somehow. Its where Magnus was working hard since his best friend was a trans woman and he himself was a gay man (with two boyfriends). Nazis raided and destroyed all his work and made him flee Germany IIRC. Now you have fash groomers trying to convert normies to NutSoc this way "Oh the Nazis were not bad. They were stopping the groomers even back then!"

Anonymous Comrade 100806

Marvel movies are insufferable. I like some Disney movies actually, don't like Cinderella or Snow White though.


what trans women here are afraid of lesbians kidnapping and torturing you too?

Anonymous Comrade 101030

would be kind of hot

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