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/test/ - Nuclear Testing Ground


6 replies
Leftypol link gone? I'll post this here because this seems more appropriate than /get/ but I haven't lurked in a while. Where did the link to leftypol go?
6 replies
is this board ded?
9 replies
Phone check Phone check
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This is a political thread.
3 replies
What’s the first name of the current US president??
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Name test name testing
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I don't care about politics atall and I want to die and I want to be sleepy because I want to wake up at 8:30AM to do something I actually kinda want to do that is at 10AM and its currently 2AM and its ok because I'll definitely get to sleep by 8:30AM but I just wish I would sooner y'know?
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3 replies
Testing Tags alright
#Meme Tag
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5 replies
test1 test
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testing wack ass flag options #Politics
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testing wack ass flag options asafd
3 replies
الرأسمالية والإمبريالية تقتلنا يا جيسي جيسي.. لقد اكتشفت بأن الرأسمالية هي أسواء نظام اجتماعي قد أوجده النظام الإنساني..صدقني جيسي.. يجب عليك أن تمسك سلاحك بيدك، وأن تدمر البرجوازية، وأن تأخذ حريتك بيدك.. لأن البروليتاريا... جيسي!! أيها الغبي كفاك تعاونًا مع الإشتراكيين الديمقراطيين! لقد قتلوا روزا وكارل.. جيسي..إسمع.. يجب أن تتعاون مع الفلاحين الفقراء... يا أيها الأبله.. أترك الأممية الرابعة والتروتسكيين.. يجب أن تتبع تعاليم وإرشادات ستالين... جيسي...جيسي
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4 replies
secure tripcode?
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3 replies
So pay attention, stoopid.
right now, im high as shit.
so i need YOUR help to get me food.
kindly disregard this if you like.
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crip code
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testing tripcode
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серафими мн҄оꙮ҄читїи҄
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test again its spooky day
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I want to believe
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18 replies
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does tor posting work?
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hi hi
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test h
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Why doesn't getchan have an onion service? Org has one and so does net.
Getchan remains the only site with out a ln onion service.
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4 replies
Дна - DNA - для глоw йин thэ дарк Фунгий фрюютs
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1 reply
ayy ayy
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22 replies
test **stest** testic
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1 reply
Can I post here? I get "connection error" on /GET/ since yesterday...

EDIT: Ok, I can post here, so it's only on /GET/? What the fuck?
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hi hi
11 replies
Image issue test aaaa
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testing one-two [3] four, five six… okay thats about all for now. =]
10 replies
Checking to see if trips work.
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4 replies
Testing: Roll 1d6 = 5 Roll 1d6 = 2
Roll 1d6 = 1 Roll 1d6 = 3
0 replies
I forgot to disconnect from onions before visiting and the IP was b&, telling me to go to the >>>/moon/, but it's dead!
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**spoiler** spoiler

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1 reply
He stopped visiting us since april last year. I recieved a call from him 8 months ago. He told me that he's facing some difficulties and would like to see a psychiatrist whenever possible, albeit he was a bit vague about the issues he was facing. I really hope that he's doing well. I'm sure he can deal with his problems on his ownm
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test good evening
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26 replies
i think communism good
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7 replies
DPRK test The EXIF data actually hasn't been stripped.
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I didn't stay long because you guys don't have a 2ch style textboard.
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Those tags can be changed, haven't tried invalid tags, this seems to bypass the captcha check too. No way to know if it works. I wonder what a bunch of hard-working leftists could do with this if they did as poor a job as I think they did on this site. Sending emails to addresses that don't exist creates mailer daemon errors, which ships an email back. I wonder how many emails their mail server can handle.

Wear a condom unless you wanna get fucked back
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7 replies
Testing tags
#test #test
#test test
#test #test test #test
# test # test test test
And so on, and so on
12 replies
editing in the mature mark test

what we learn: make sure to mark posts before submitting them, editing does not work
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3 replies
if i want to start a mature thread, will it spoiler that for anyone who didn't tick the "i'm 18" thing in the settings?
if i want to start a loli/shota thread, do i have to make the first one a sfw or how do i spoiler the OP image?
testing out
52 replies
Since there are quite a few differences between our old homes and this new one, you can use this board for messing with posts and such. Please do not use this board for active discussion (unless you need help with something), that isn't its purpose.

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